I didn't use to either shower or bathe but it was a mental health issue: I went though both depression, which didn't help, and I didnt have good showering habits due to being kinda aquaphobic. If water hit my face at all I would think I'd die (pretty dumb I know). Nowadays I bathe pretty much daily. Having a detachable showerhead helps a lot so I don't have to deal with water on my face.
From another autistic person, it really varies from person to person. I despise staring intensely at strangers, but when it comes to my partner, I adore it. It probably has to do more with the level of trust than inherently not being able to look at someone in the eyes, but it might just be a me thing.
Dude, most of the comments are trying to be supportive of this guy. I'm pretty sure we've all felt broken when we were diagnosed. I thought I was unlovable and would never have friendships or a partner, and eight years later I just celebrated my five year anniversary. Shit gets better, but not if you stay on the cycle of thinking you're just broken and it will always stay like that. Whether you want to believe that or not, that's your prerogative.
Personally I find this form of thinking far more dangerous: I come from a country in which being "mentally disabled" would literally mean me being unable to function in polite society, and being a "retard" is something pretty common, even with adults. The fact I was undiagnosed autistic until I left saved me. Sure you don't function like everyone else, and yeah, it's hard - trust me -, but to say you're broken is basically undermining everyone else that has the same condition as you.
I guess it's cus everyone has a different standard of what pollution is for them. For me, the sound of windchimes calm me, I find industrial air vents relaxing, and church bells oddly peaceful, but can't stand someone even driving near me, dogs barking, babies crying, or fluorecent lights flickering. But you know, people need to drive, dogs and babies need to talk, and the world goes on.
I'm in college RN, taking three classes, and literally just last week i was working so much to keep up with all the classes homework I started from 9am to 10pm with no breaks (online) with only the 5 min eating break every so often. If it was a 9-5 I would have been done and have time to spare for other crap. Fuck this idolizing the past "9-5 is evil" bullshit.
This is actually a philosophical problem. I think it's the parable of pacifism, if I remember right? Basically, the advocacy for total pacifism and acceptance of all groups doesn't work if one group is specifically advocating for the death of the others because then there's a net loss.
So yes. No nazis. Period.