Well I for one am looking forward to teriyaki beefrice krispies.
Science of Cooking
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We're focused on cooking and the science behind how it changes our food. Some chemistry, a little biology, whatever it takes to explore a critical aspect of everyday life.
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This is basically that slop they eat in The Matrix. Mmm, tasty wheat / meat.
How will I know how to enjoy my food if there's no death involved?
How do machine know how the beef tastes like?
With that username*, I'd be extra careful. What if AI confuses you with real cattle?
*Andrej likely knows it, but for the others: быдло/bydlo = cattle.
Lel. You'd be surprised, but I don't. What's the language is it? Polish? I only heard it being associated with unclever commoners lacking any manners.
It's Polish in origin, as ⟨bydło⟩ ['bɨd.wɔ]. In the language it refers directly to cattle, but metaphorically to cattle-like people, like a herd of people who don't think by themselves.
The way that you spelled it in your nickname is as Russian borrowed the word from Polish, ⟨быдло⟩ ['bɨd.ɫə]. In Russian I think that the meaning as "cattle-like people" is default.
Thank you. That makes a lot of sense. I'd reconsider my relationships with that word in the future.
Is shelf stability impacted? I guess when it's dry it's like a rice jerky.
[pedantic] its still lab-grown rice-grown beef.
the whole "put the concoction in a petri dish at the right temp and hope the matrix grows" thing.
I've read this kind of hoping for a gyudon that prepares itself, it would be damn great.
Sadly their idea is a bit more on the eeew side. It could open the lid for tastier developments though.
Thanks, I hate it so much!