I’m all over the board on this one. I’ll just take my adhd diagnosis and scurry along my way
Same, I'm currently too occupied by my recent ADHD diagnosis to worry about what else might be going on up there.
Treat the symptoms but dig deep as well and see what you can do to alleviate the causes and perform preventative maintenance <3
BINGO! What do I win!?
I find myself thinking in metaphor and using comparisons and symbolism often. So it’s interesting to see it on a diagram. I was diagnosed in the 90s when all of this stuff was a complete blackbox. It’s nice to get some traction as an adult trying to understand why their brain can’t adhere to a lot of common patterns and expectations.
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Finished with all side quests and achievements!
What game do we play next?
This one is interesting. I’m adult diagnosed and have a job/love learning. Not sure gifted is appropriate given my anxiety and executive function though
why can't you be gifted and also have anxiety/executive dysfunction? those are not mutually exclusive
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