I was born in China, immigrated to Canada with family when I was a kid so it wasn't my choice, now I'm a Canadian citizen, which came with dropping my Chinese citizenship. Later became a socialist and really admires what China has been doing and wish I'd never left.
Now, because I have a Chinese birth certificate, I could in theory get Chinese citizenship reinstated if I drop my Canadian one, and go back. And there are days where I want to see about doing that. BUT, I really don't know anyone in China (yes I have family there but none of them are that close to me, don't really think I'm "can I crash with you while I get my life together over here" close, at least), but even more damningly, I can't speak or write Chinese that well (and it's one of the hardest languages to learn so), and I grew up under Canadian culture and am pretty alienated from Chinese culture, etiquette, and social rules. Especially Chinese pop culture that people my age are into--this makes the language barrier worse because of how contextual a language Chinese is, there are tons of slang and references that are used in place of formal words that, even if you were formally educated in Chinese language, you might still not get unless you're really knowledgeable in the culture. So my chances of getting a job or even fitting into a friend group isn't that great.
That's why.