this post was submitted on 15 Mar 2024
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Star Citizen

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  • sniper glint appears when sniper is aiming and only under specific angle
  • there's minor and major glint depending on an angle
  • scopes will have different angles where glint shows up
  • auto-zeroing on scopes will be removed
  • glint will appear at night due to balance reasons
  • they're increasing sniper ADS time
  • no-scope/aiming recoil and spread were balanced to avoid run & gun sniping
  • armor clipping into the sights is being investigated, 3.23 might get a temporary fix
  • there are plans for more grenade types (smoke, flash bangs and "more sci-fi" ones)
  • they're working on medical gameplay, making a balance pass around injuries
  • pre-dawned state will allow to crawl behind cover for safety
  • there will be increased BDL cost of revival
  • pre-dawned state will be time limited
  • new health app for mobiGlas in 3.23, with more info about your state
  • ammo repooling will be done on a gun by gun basis, can only be triggered on equipped weapons
  • you'll be able to trigger repooling from inventory UI
  • energy weapon mags can also be repooled at the moment, might switch to recharging in the future
  • tools can't be "repooled", might also use recharge mechanic
  • you'll be able to cancel reloading/repooling via sprinting, jumping and some other actions
  • no plans for weapons that require teammate to use
  • repooling will combine mags but won't equip them on armor slots for faster reloading
  • laser attachments will be useful when not using combat armor (no dynamic crosshair)
  • specialized suits will provide more info (details about rocks when mining, further pings etc) in the future
  • some specialized suits might lose combat info (gun ammo etc)
  • things like explosions, running through mud etc will affect specific items/parts of the armor
  • there might be an opacity slider for the dynamic crosshair (not necessarily in 3.23), more customization may or may not happen later
  • "inner zoom" on scopes is not happening for now due to upscaling, they're still trying to find a way to make it work
  • lack of picture-in-picture zoom on scopes (zoom scope, no the whole screen) is a technical limitation
  • ballistic shields will happen (already implemented for Squadron 42)
  • binoculars are on the todo list
  • potential ammo/gun variants: laser, plasma (damage over time), tachyon (faster than light), neutron (stronger the further it hits)
  • they're working on adding the ability to equip weapons on civilian clothing, still figuring it out for some of them
  • each weapon has a unique recoil pattern
  • slide is intended as a way to get into cover, don't want it to be too arcadey
  • FPS weapons will no longer cause stagger, flinching stays, grenades will still cause knockdowns
  • big weapons balance for 3.23, shotguns will get tighter spread, be more powerful
  • there's plenty of polishing work left to fully bring FPS combat to the modern standard (things like movement, weapon feel, various technical issues, more pronounced muzzle flashes, improvements to the medical gameplay and more)
  • one weapon/gadget you'd like to add:
    • Zac: slug shotgun
    • Acti: old school rocket launcher
    • Pascal: chainsaw
    • Nick: mini black hole launcher
  • Pascal's test level when working on tasks is E1M1 from DOOM
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