Wow, the main subject is such a freak show that it's easy to miss all the other messed up stuff, including that no one has eyes and some don't have teeth.
The Lyrics Game
Anybody can post a challenge.
The rules of the game are simple, take any song you like from any genre you want, put the lyrics through any AI [you may weight lyrics as the AI allows] that you want and post the resulting image here under the post title Name That Song [GENRE]. After 48-72 Hours or if the answer is guessed sooner, edit the post's title to [Solved][Genre] and put the song title and artist (and optionally any highlighted lyrics) in a spoiler tag in the body of the post.
Other than that, enjoy.
Here is a list to a few AI image generators you can use.
genre is classic rock
The Arthur theme song
Rolf Harris - “Jake The Peg”
Bicycle race by Queen?
I don't want to. I really really don't want to
so don't...
Like, on the one hand, I wanna know the answer really badly. On the other hand, the longer I stare at this image the more nightmares I know I'm gonna have tonight.