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Yeah, the meme sounds about right.
Well that was both terrifying and entertaining to read!
He lost me with "…and he was bent on conquering.” = "The Antichrist will be someone obsessed with winning." That's quite the stretch.
Yeah, some of it was definitely really stretching. Assuming we're accepting biblical end times prophecy, the other big issue is that I think the rapture is supposed to happen before the antichrist, not after.
While this is spot on, it's worth noting revelations was almost certainly about Rome and Roman emperors. The seven hills aren't a coincidence.
Trump sort of acts like a Roman emperor.
It says right there that there would be a great Delusion and only the most faithful of the faithful wouldn't follow.
Ironically Mitt Romney is pretty vocally anti-Trump. Mormonism confirmed the one true religion?
As an exmo, I hope you're wrong...
high fives
Also exmo here, I was definitely throwing some shade.
Ironically enough, growing up Mormon is what helps me see through the nonsense that is Trump. I got out decades ago and learned hard lessons. I see the fraud that Trump is and Joseph smith was. I wouldn’t be surprised if mitt is mentally out but stays true to Mormonism because it pays his salary. The guy sucks still, would have made a terrible president, but I’m glad to see someone on that side calling it the obvious.
Bunches of Christians following the Antichrist thinking he's the second advent is totally on brand for the antichrist.
But it historically, the world doesn't end on schedule, which is the downfall of most cults.
as an atheist, i don't fucking care what christians think. this is all a simple logic problem and the solution is obvious.
I wonder why no one has done it yet.
I'm on board with the atheism and apathy parts. What is the simple logic problem of which you speak?
how to fix the world
That part is not obvious to me. Care to enlighten us?
you know exactly what i'm saying. the question is: how long until we realize that if we don't do something, we begin down an irreversible path?
Its crazy how much he optimizes the antichrist. This guys summary from years ago is insane and of course trump has doubled down on a lot of these traits. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/
Well, they don’t want to be left behind.
Ha! It appears I was the 666th upvote. Perfect!
Also, I just noticed that my battery level when I took that was 69%. Nice!
Growing up in southern baptist territory, I learned most Christians are gullible
Do they care though? For some reason they really want the world to end so they can hang with Jesus, and if they need an antichrist to fuck stuff up first, they'll be right there voting for him to hasten their doomsday timeline.
This is exactly how my fundamentalist Christian aunt thinks. She knows and readily acknowledges that Trump is a fuckup, she just thinks that's his essential role in the end times.
They even act in bad faith with their own religion. I don't get how they believe but don't think that that kind of mindset will end up condemning them.
The best part is when they actually admit that Trump is flawed, but then go to the Bible. David killed a man to get to his wife; Noah was a drunk; Lot pimped out his daughters. The Lord has often used wicked men to push his agenda, because reasons.
Motherfucker embodies the seven deadly sins. But somehow he's the savior born again...
GTFO, fundies.
First of all, this is dumb and the antichrist is not a thing in the Bible.
But from tradition the antichrist is supposedly a figure who gains great power, I don't see why anyone would expect they would not be a popular politician.
Well yeah, but it's just funny how all good Christians always talk about how THEY would stand up against the anti Christ with their bible in their hands, yet those exact Christians are the ones voting for Trump who is closer to the anti Christ than we've ever seen before in politics.
From their point of view:
Republican - For God
Democrat - Against God
They have to vote for the party that is for God no matter what.
The other party is going after christ. They see the other side, Democrats, as the anti-christs.
"News" has become "what can you really believe?". It's easy to just not believe any of it but the one issue you care about.
A true Christian would throw their country under the bus if God told them to do it. God comes before Country.
Err. Sort of. The NT does have the concept of someone who stands against Christ. But there isn't just one (there may be an archetypical one who will come in the future, that's kind of debatabke), but pretty much anyone who imbedes the spread of Christianity is an antichrist.
Yeah, they said about that latter part too.
Hello darkness my old friend....