Why the fuck should I go there willingly
- Posts must be about Tesla, EV, or AV
- Meta Posts must be pre-approved.
- Shitposts are limited
- No Elon Worship
- All Links must include the original title of the Content
- Sites behind Paywalls must have text included.
- Don't be an asshole
- No Image Posts
I don't really understand the appeal of the platform.
It is all about the B-List celebrities.
They generate most of the decent content IRL not just on twitter, but they use twitter to communicate with their fans.
They are not big enough to abandon their ‘000s of followers so they won’t leave.
Hey now, where else are you going to get thoughtless quips in an illegible weird ass UI that makes it seem like the thread was flipped upside down and jizzed on?
Stop sharing articles about it. Just let it die hard.
Its not going to die until Elon Musk runs out of money.
That being said: Tesla is doing really bad this quarter. Elon Musk is going to take Tesla's good money and likely buy a ton of Twitter advertisements (making Twitter last a little bit longer, and maybe Tesla too since they might get a sales bump).
Once Tesla runs out of money, I think that's it. Elon Musk won't have anything... and everything he's touched likely will collapse at the same time.
I can't imagine that SpaceX is actually making money with all of their exploding rockets. Hyperloop is dead. Twitter is losing tons of money right now (and has huge bonds to pay off).
That's really what we'll be waiting for. All the money to run out.
I can't imagine that SpaceX is actually making money with all of their exploding rockets.
They are, but, It's only because of Starlink, and Starlink definitely isn't making money.
The only people that still use Twitter are the ones that don't mind being fascist adjacent.
Also those with a huge amount of cognitive dissonance who do mind but bear it anyway for... whatever reason.