Looks fine.
Home Improvement
Home Improvement
Thanks for the responses everyone. I just finished grouting the tiles an hour ago. This is what they look like now!
I think I will keep the tiles, it looks better now!
Hell yeah that looks cozy as fuck!
Looks great. I wish my bathroom looked that nice
Looks good. You don't really want perfect visual consistency all the time, some variation keeps things more interesting for the eyes.
They don't clash or anything, I think the whole thing looks good.
Looks good dude ! Combine with matching furniture and equipment and you're set.
Idk, looks fine too me
I agree with the others, looks good. Don't be too hard on yourself.
I would suggest something light for the cabinetry/accents or it's going to become a dungeon.
Keep up the good work!
Look really good imho!
This is going to be a fantastic place to poop
Those look great together. You won't notice the line up difference once it's all done.
We have the floor tiles on the wall in our main bathroom, but they're extra long so it doesn't look same-y. Plus the shower glass breaks up the tile so it doesn't immediately look the same.
In the other bathrooms, we have the same style of square tile on the floor and wall, but the wall is a smaller tile to be more stable while the floor is larger tile for the style we wanted.
I think it looks deliberate. I say keep it.