It's hard to choose, there's just so many great songs. Maybe it depends on what you're in the mood in.
Right now, it's "In My Life".
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It's hard to choose, there's just so many great songs. Maybe it depends on what you're in the mood in.
Right now, it's "In My Life".
Rocky Raccoon.
I can't hear it without smiling.
It’s such a fun little song.
While my guitar gently weeps. I don't know why but I just love that one.
Something. Followed by Michelle.
My wife says “Blackbird” and she is right ❤️
Ooof. This is like asking me to pick my favorite child! Probably something off of Rubber Soul.
Tomorrow Never Knows
Eleanor Rigby, by far. Very different, and one I have always enjoyed since I was a kid
Have you heard Zoot’s cover? It’s very different again but I love it.
And your bird can sing! Specifically the recording from Anthology 2 where you can hear John and Paul laughing
Eight Days a Week. Generally not a huge fan of the Beatles but that's a banger.
Pretty hard to choose, TBH. I'll go with 3:
Those would probably be my top 3 normally.
Usually Come Together. It's awesome.
Her Majesty
A Day in the Life. It was the first song I played for my son after he was born.
I never really listened to the Beatles that much, but for some reason Strawberry Fields Forever really resonates with me.
It almost feels like a perfect song to me, not sure why.
I'm between Don't let me down and Eight days a week.
I Saw Her Standing There
It's certainly not one of their many compositional masterpieces, but I really love this song because of how quintessential it is of that very early British pop invasion style with the catchy twangy guitar melody.
Paperback writer!
The Long and Winding Road. Not sure which version though, I love the strings on the original record, but also really like the cleanness of the restored naked version
Sometimes it's I've Got a Feeling, other times it's Happiness Is a Warm Gun. The medley from Abbey Road as a whole is up there too.
Things We Said Today
Helter Skelter
The mono mix of Rain.
Tie between While My Guitar Gently Weeps and Hey Jude...
Side B of Abbey Road
That's 15 and I could name another 15! So many options!
That's tough, but the song that keeps popping into my head is I've Got a Feeling.
Hard to say. "A Day in the Life," probably. The opposite question is easier for me to answer, with "Tomorrow Never Knows" being my least favorite.
I root for the underated Beatles songs.
For me it is essentially a tie between
I Don't Want to Spoil the Party and I'm Looking Through You
Here, there and everywhere is incredibly underrated in my opinion. And since I haven't seen them mentioned, Revolution and Think for Yourself are both great.