How do you know people aren't already overloaded with fear? The fear of losing your job and livelihood because your employer just mildly dislike you.
Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
That italicized "mildly" just resonated with me a little too much.
WE are scared. The government and the media are beholden to corporate interests that benefit from keeping us docile. It doesn’t help that some of the biggest polluters spend vast amounts on disinformation campaigns in an attempt to deflect blame.
Corporate interests are not forcing people to buy bigger cars every few years.
Not “forcing”, no. Nobody has shown up at my home with a gun, and demanded that I buy a new car. It’s “only” strongly encouraged by the consumerism that corporate interests have made sure is prevalent in society.
Corporations could have invested more in fuel efficiency, alternate fuels, and electric vehicles, but haven’t. They could stop lobbying in favor of policies that are against the public interest. The government could take a much tougher stance on this, but it’s too corrupt.
Maybe they haven’t “forced” us. They’ve just gone out of their way to reduce our choices.
I think you can have cultures, cities and places built to encourage non car use. We have a lot more of it here in the UK, especially with public transport. It doesn't seem quite so simple with the sheer distances in a lot of America.
We do need to build lives that are compatible with a healthy environment and life.
I agree it us not simple problem, but corporations will do anything to earn money. Their goal is not to destroy nature, but just to get more money.
If people were not buying those huge cars, they would not build them. Not to mention that I think we should forbid them or heavy tax them.
I was terrified a few years ago, but now that I realized that nothing and no one is going to be able to fix all of our mistakes, I don't give a shit anymore. We are doomed as far as I can tell.
It's like we're in a car heading towards a wall with our foot on the gas. Instead of avoiding the wall we're fighting over who controls the radio and A/C.
Your reaction is also one that has been intentionally engineered. You not giving a shit helps the people making money off of creating the problem. Even if there is no chance of stopping the car it's still time to punch them in the face and take the controls because fuck them.
Can’t upvote enough. When it’s everyones fault, no one is to blame. Don’t let them off easy. Time to go medieval
I think we still need to talk about this. We will endure the consequences, but should we endure them in a democracy or in authoritarian regime? That's also one of the warnings from the IPCC report.
Kind of my approach too. The powers that be had all the time in the world and stifled our reaction. If they don't care with all their capital, neither do I.
Like, people fly private jets... how fucked is that that they think that's acceptable. The rest of us fly coach just fine.
Been terrified for well over twenty years.
No. It's okay. Companies are going zero carbon via carbon credits. Everything is fine /s
I'm pretty terrified, might not want kids because of it and other reasons. But not sure yet.
100 years of propaganda telling everyone not to worry about it?
Pretty much panicking, funnily enough I'd resigned myself (still tried to life a green life) until having kids, but you've got to try and do everything you can otherwise what future are we giving them?
Because we care more about presidents son naked images.
Something something hunter biden laptop jewish space laser illuminati democrat climate hoax...
Because we are more terrified by smaller cars, bicycles and going somewhere by foot.
No one really cares and it is so obvious. We have set up rules and didn't managed to change them 😞 n time