This used to be me. Then I bought a vibrating paddle alarm. Now I'm up within a few seconds. You just put a paddle inside your pillowcase and it starts vibrating when the alarm goes off and wakes you right up.
Stolen from Facebook
This is a common ADHD coping mechanism
The app Alarmy saved my ass on this. You can set it so you have to do stuff like math problems in order to shut off the alarm.
Though eventually I just started getting really good at doing math while half asleep.
Personally I keep my alarm on the most obnoxious buzzer sound I could find, and then keep my phone far enough away that I actually need to get up out of bed to turn it off.
why didn't she help her partner to get up? it seems unrealistic to me. am i missing some joke?
Their partner is coherent enough to hit snooze and maybe just wants to keep sleeping a bit more and possibly would resent being forced to get up when they want to keep sleeping a bit longer. Also their partner is an adult and can get themselves up.