I dove back into Division 2. Played the heck out of it on release but the RNG was just so fucking bad. Like...not D4 bad, but pretty close. Now the game is a lot more relaxed, and in some cases will allow you to select the type of loot youd like, as a percentage chance when rare loot drops. Anyway, besides that I've been spreading my democraseed in Helldivers 2 with some friends. Blows my mind we are doing Suicide on a normal basos now when that used to be a wet dream. Not a brag, I just usually cant hack it in shooters anymore. I also have Raft in the rotation. Really good zen game that I highly recommend. Can usually pick it up for cheap too.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Driver: San Francisco and loving it!
Returned to my beloved 3DS to play a fan translation of the Japan-only Rocket Slime 3. The translation itself is solid, though there are a bunch of text rendering issues. Nothing that ruins the experience. I loved the previous game and this one is a very similar experience, but I think I preferred the mecha fights of 2 over the pirate ship battles of 3.
The gameplay balance is all over the place, unfortunately. Regular adventuring off-ship is dead easy and a little dull. The boss fights in particular are incredibly uninspired. But the ship battles wildly fluctuate in difficulty. Some I manage to Perfect without much challenge, others have me hanging on by a thread and landing me on the Game Over screen more than once.
I'm on the last chapter of the main quest and will probably give up soon on trying to complete everything as I've read the final post-game gauntlet is absolute hell.
I started a long journey for discovering Dragon Quest (only played to 9 and completed 11). I already finished DQ1 (very nice, simple but interesting nevertheless), and I am now playing DQ2 (and I love it :D).
Tomb Raider (2013).
I just finished Dave the Diver and I was going through the backlog of unplayed games on my Steam Deck. I'm not even sure when I bought this game, I feel like it may have come with a humble bundle or a graphics card. Anyway, I'm about 3 hours in and so far it's pretty great!
Custom Robo for N64. Cute little 3d shooter where you have a robot made of 5 customizable parts that you can mix and match to build the strongest robot and be the greatest "robo commander". I think people say the idea was a "sci-fi collectible game loosely similar to pokemon".
I know it's late but posting for content.
I got Elder Scrolls: Online last summer when it was free on Epic. I love it! After playing for six months, I knew I wanted more and was willing to pay, so I got the latest chapter bundle (which includes all older chapters) for €19.79 on Steam. Absolutely worth it. I've since received two other DLCs for free just for playing the game. The lore of TES is just so good, and the environments in ESO look beautiful. There's so much story in the quests too, so even if it's an MMO, I can play it exclusively as a single player game that just happens to have other people in it.
Edit: The game is 10 years old this year, and there is more free stuff because of the anniversary.
Just picked up Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. Maybe 6 hours in.. Never heard of it when it came out. It seems like a pretty great fusion of Nioh minus the stances, and one of the more actiony FFs so far. The story is... there. It seems to be heavily based on FF1 so far, so I'm not expecting much. The rest of the game is fun and batshit crazy enough to make up for it.
Tale of Two Wastelands! Fallout 3 and New Vegas in the same game.
Just finished my 260 hour Xendar's mod playthrough on Factorio.
Thinking of playing Pyanodon's, but my start is giving me second thoughts.
Red Alert 2 again
I've been playing a ton of game dev story. To the point where now I want to try my hand at making my own simulation type game in that style
Got a bot impatient
Bought balatro and stacklands
Both fun
Started playing FFXIV again after not playing since 2013. Decided to delete my character and start fresh as I don't remember the story etc. and am just going to take my time enjoying everything over again.
New player experience is so dramatically improved since then, hope you're having a great time!
Jumped back into slay the spire because of the announcement of the sequel.