What kind of crazy person doesn't start a jigsaw puzzle with the edge pieces?
To show the goats.
Lithuanian: rodyti ožius.
Means to cry, fight or roll on the ground when you didn't get what you wanted.
Yes, but also who knows what millions of jews who didn't survive the genocide could have accomplished in science and art if they stayed alive?
A lot of Nazi technology were just useless Wunderwaffe, while technologically impressive, mostly useless in the field. The V2 rocket was an impressive achievement, but not a price effective bombing system. The jet planes came too little too late. The big tanks were impressive, but too few to make a difference.
They could always use the civilian healthcare, but it would expose many civilians to the results of war.
Or Canada will make a good deal with the EU.
My mother-in-law literally gave us 20 eggs from a local farm for free yesterday.
Try asking it about what happened in Lithuania during January 13th, 1991.
It's true for every system. Any system can be captured and taken advantage of. But the systems without built in central control are harder to take advantage of.
WWII might be a distant memory for Americans, but most of Europeans have been to historical sites of Jewish genocide.