I predict:
Helldivers 2
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Can someone translate for the few non-autistic Helldivers around? I can't memorize strategem combos for the life of me.
These don't exist yet, but they start with ⬇, which means they'll be either support (weapons and backpacks) or defensive (sentries, mines, etc.) stratagems.
⬆ - Eagle stratagems
➡ - Orbital stratagems
⬇ - Support/defense stratagems
⬅ - Exosuit stratagem(s?) (This one is literally only used for the EXO-45, so maybe there will be more in the future?)
If one of these is a backpack, then I think it'll be the health pack. There's an unreleased pack in the game that hackers have datamined that appears to be like the supply back, but just full of stims instead of ammo. While it could be hacked-into a live game, it wasn't completely functional yet.
Dataminers have also recently noted that this health pack has somewhat recently been modified, too. There used to be a passive buff for this item that would gradually heal you, and that seems to have been removed in a recent patch. So only because this unreleased item has recently seen some behind-the-scenes action, that I suspect that we're getting it soon.
Oh nice, I never knew that!
I'm pretty sure they are both as of yet unassigned combos, hence the teasing of new strategems coming.
V ^ ^ V ^ is the jump pack, and the only difference between that and the first one is the < > at the end. Possibly signaling a jump pack that has more horizontal than vertical capabilities? a hover pack?
other than that i can confirm that neither of these exist in the first game, so it will be very unlikely that it'd be another returning stratagem
There was a leak of a blink pack - like a brief teleport forwards. It didn't have any animation but basically recharged like the jetpack to move you maybe 5 - 10m forward instantly
A hover pack could be helpful to quickly cross bodies of water.
I think the one in the right is a reverse 500kg, so instead of releasing a giant explosion it contains fire/explosions. Maybe like nuking a fire tornado to put it out sorta like how we do that to hurricanes in the real world.
I don't think it is reverse 500kg (500kg is ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️) but that is a cool idea for a stratagem or maybe even a support weapon.
Something implodes
Looks like a blue (support/backpack) or green (sentry or mines)? I'm not an expert on stratagem codes.
Anti-tank mines maybe?
Edit: ok I posted this before seeing https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1783831163317989858
The right one is eerily similar to the ballistic shield (⬇⬅ ⬆⬆➡) so maybe a ballistic wall or something like that? It's definitely something stationary because there's no equipment with input shorter than 5.
Don't really have an idea what the left one might be. The only one that seems close to it is the Quasar Cannon (⬇⬇⬆⬅ ➡) so I don't know, maybe some sort of a laser sentry? Quasar sentry?
Since they added the TD style mission, I think they’ll probably add more defensive stratagems soon
Any guesses as to what they are?
They both start with ⬇, so they could be either support stratagems like weapons and backpacks, or new defensive stratagems, like a sentry or tower of some sort.
Guard dog flamethrower
So often scientists ask if they could, but maybe, just this once, they need to ask if they should.
Don't create the ~~torment nexus~~ flame guard dog
Everything must burn
Some people just want to watch the World burn.
For when the laser one doesn't kill enough teammates
Even better guard dog arc thrower
I can’t wait for them to be underpowered and/or bugged