Looking at your responses in the most favorable way you are using the word accept in a different way than what people typically mean when they say "accept your family". Comment should still be removed, though.
Pressing chrome just opened Firefox for me, pretty sure they are just too lazy to have it change based on browser.
Seeing ok go with my future wife is one of my all time favourite memories.
Would a flight recorder even still be usable after 10years in the ocean? I feel any useful evidence is probably destroyed by now.
As a billionaire looking to launder money this looks priceless.
I think the cpc is probably holding off on attack ads until after the leader is selected, I expect the libs to start losing momentum once that starts, but hopefully it's still enough to cross into winning territory. I really hope Carney doesn't have any skeletons (or shoe polish) in his closet.
I almost always skip the last 3 steps of my stairs on the way down.
Piracy I can forgive, but leeching... that's unforgivable.
I played quite a bit last night (about 30games or so) and I can say I like the perks overall. It shakes up the core gameplay loop for each hero, and it adds a much needed disincentive to switching. There's still lots of rough edges, with some heros I felt like you'd be stupid to not always pick one option, but with many I felt there was really good strategic reasons why both choices could be viable, I hope over time it leans more into the latter. I also notice some of the perks seem to make the heros more consistent while the other choice is more skill expressive, which i think is an interesting way to try and make heros viable in both low and high ranks. Of course as players learn the system this will all change.
I hope most of all that these perks make patch notes more interesting. They have hinted that they expect the perks to change often and I hope that is the case. I think ow2 had a very algorithmic feel to their balancing, lots of small number tweaks that did actually make the game very balanced but i think took a lot of the character out of the heros.
As for cosmetics, I don't really care about them, but the lootboxes seem generous I guess. I like that they made the odds public, and I like that (as far as I can tell) you can't seem to be able to directly buy them. I think those 2 changes makes them much less predatory and is overall a positive change.
the funding doesn't get approved until the design phase is done in 5 years, it will have to be a liberal (or ndp) government then in order for this to happen. This is basically a campaign promise, which isn't necessarily a bad thing per se.
Galen weston, as they cross the border he will pee all over the border and then by the laws of rich billionaire bloodsuckers trump will have to back off.