Autumn is my favorite. Followed by Spring. Then Summer. Winter would be fine if it only lasted a week.
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Same but summer and winter flipped.
Are we talking seasons, or seasons? Assuming the latter, my tier list of the midwest's seasons:
S - Christmas, Halloween, and apple cider seasons
A - Baseball and Hockey seasons, blueberry season
B - Deer and fishing seasons
C - College football season
D - Tornado season
F - Construction season
F - Construction season
In some cities and states this is just "not winter" lol
What a myopic point of view, they're missing out on the fun of leaving construction cones and tools buried untouched under snow for 4 months so unsuspecting motorists can fuck up their tires. I guess Michigan has the art of corrupt road construction contracts perfected to an art, though, and not everybody can do that as well.
That's up to your interpretation, I'll leave it for you to decide. Good list!
Fall - and it’s not even close Spring - a distant 2nd Summer/Winter - equally suck ass
Actual fall is the best. The sweet spot seems to be mid-Sept to end of October. You got football going and nice weather.
The seasons I know are:
- Winter
- Fool's Spring
- Second Winter
- Spring of Deception
- Third Winter
- Mud Season
- Actual Spring
- Summer
- False Fall
- Second Summer (1 week)
- Actual Fall
My favorite is probably one of the winter seasons. I like the cold. :)
Autumn - fall colors are the best time of year for me.
2nd - spring knowing that the snow will be melting and the flowers will soon be blooming
3rd - winter as I prefer colder weather to hotter
4th - summer
Winter for sure. Then autumn, then spring. Summer should not exist.
Spring 10/10, Summer 9/10, Autumn 8.5/10, Winter 7/10
This is the definitive ranking of each season. Everyone else is wrong or lying.
Summer is godawful for me. Also autumn 10/10 if that's wrong I don't wanna be right
Nah, just channel your inner kid during the summer. The sun is out until 8:00, ice cream trucks and stands are coming back, the public pool on especially hot days, one or two days at the water park...summer is great. My favorite smell is sunscreen and pool water.
Happy for you but I'm built different
Late summer to early fall is the best time, basically August-mid November.
Spring: lots of rain, trails closed due to mud, cold and wet, starting the garden.
Summer: haht, trails are open, the lake warms up, paddleboarding, exterior house projects
Fall: cooling off, dry, leaves change, trails still open, less daylight, using the fire pit.
Winter: snowboarding, snowshoeing, fat biking. Lots of shoveling and snow blowing.
Spring is the worst. Summer and winter have lots of fun but also lots of work. Fall is pretty chill. All that said, winter is probably my favorite.