EA is garbage software, don't buy these games, always prefer used console versions or pirate.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
always prefer used console versions or pirate.
Or pirated console versions in an emulator ;)
Wife likes modding Sims and already bought some expansions before we moved her to Linux. They actually still add some free content sometimes, so we keep the wifey happy, and hope to almighty Gaben that EA doesn't fuck things up too bad. Good news is that she knows that when things go wrong, it's 100% on EA
I have free access to ea play or whatever it’s called with my gamepass, luckily they have them in their own little “Ignore Me!!!” section.
Why don't you add some infos and steps you took for people who could need them?
Torrent edition worked flawlessly with no need to tinker at all. Just saying
The difference between Mass Effect Legendary edition working better than it did on my windows machine and hanging on the launcher forever is literally whether or not I have a controller turned on & connected. I don't know if I would have ever figured it out if it wasn't for a random poster on ProtonDB
I have a cracked version installed on my steam deck via proton and it worked just fine the last time I tried it.
Almost the same here. Cracked version, worked in wine experimental first try.
What distro are you on? I was able to run it with proton on Steam without much hassle.
Oh, I own it on EA, not on Steam.
You can add it to steam, it's free and dlc bought from ea works with the steam version.
I find it's easier to get the ea version running though, so I usually just add the launcher as a non steam game, and that works fine too.
The EA App, Origin launcher etc. are fucked (by the companies) and unfucked (by Valve/GloriousEgroll) every few weeks or so.
Ah. Haven't touched it in a little while. I guess when I tried it I was always lucky
I was having issues with Jedi Survivor and Steam Input apparently due to the latest EA launcher. Turning the controller on after the game loaded fixed the issue for me.
I've had horrible times with EA and steam together. However launching EA from lutris works well for me
I've played the Sims on Linux before and haven't had such severe issues with origin...
I’ve played the Sims on Linux before and haven’t had such severe issues with origin…
Out of curiosity I've looked it up on ProtonDB and there it says that EA Launcher regularly breaks on updates.
Title is confusing... Did you get the game running for 6 hours or did it take you 6 hours to get it running? 🤔
6 hours to get it running. Not a native speaker.