Thank you
Hey, thanks for feedback and suggestions! Having one more fidelity and no plus abilities is more good in games like commander and less good in standard I suppose, I thought to search for + abilities in other exiled plainswalkers, but maybe your solution is more balanced.
I don't think is a smart decision to develop something like PeerTube but not spend some resource for maintain a presentable instance. Said that, I also think PeerTube needs more mainstream instances like here on Lemmy, even two or three medium instances would be enough to start a migration. is back!
I hope this can be identified as the first approach to a generalist mainstream PeerTube instance; the main issue I've found using PeerTube is that I can't easily find videos from other instances, while here on Lemmy you can have pretty much everything.
I saw their repo but why not on standard F-Droid?
Do you have suggestions for Europe?
I think selfhost is more useful in a multi-user scenario, for my personal needs I also love Syncthing.
I think the only thing it needs is a mainstream instance.
Yay! We need more Europe and less Meloni.