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I might start NSMBUD myself, we’ll see. I’m still playing Dragon Quest and it is really heating up. Love this game. Also I think there’s a Rilaboom available in SV Pokémon raids this weekend, so I’ll fight for that.
I need to get back to DQXI too, but after TotK, trying to clear some smaller games before fully getting into such a long game again. How many hours in are you?
Good luck with the raid!
I'm trying to finish Mercenary Kings. I've gotten a long way but it's taking so long to finish. You really gotta commit to this game.
How are you liking the game? Doesn't it become repetitive? I played a bit of the start of the game, and it was pretty much all in same area, doing same kind of things? (I am seeing the irony, talking about same area and doing the same thing, while playing Monster Hunter myself...)
Yeah it is at first because you do multiple missions in the same area which are very similar. As you move up the ranks you unlock new levels with new enemies that are much harder, but it takes a long time to get there.
If I enjoyed the game-play of the 2-3 missions that I did, would you recommend me to keep playing it? I just saw that it's too long and switched to something else, thinking I'll play it later, but then didn't get around to it.
Honestly? No.
The game is fun and the graphics and sprites look amazing. I mean it's Paul Robertson that did the artwork. But, man it's repetitive. Even the bosses are always the same. One you figure out the pattern you barely even have to think.
It's too long for nothing and you keep doing the same thing over and over.
Don't know why you have gotten downvotes without anyone giving a counter argument.
Thanks for your feedback. I am going to keep ignoring it for now.
The game? It seems to have very negative comments on steam. How are you liking it?