I think Boost has the Swipe view type.
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If so, I would go with that app. I've been using and paying for Boost since the Reddit days, so years.
I like boost but the comments doesn't load unless I tap the comment icon. I should prolly open an issue on git
Connect does. Think it's having issues with loading from catbox right now though. Not sure if that's a connect issue or catbox api issue because it's happened before.
Leaving a comment to check back in later. I'm wondering what choices there are as well. Swiping to next post would be neat
You can save posts, at least in the web view of Lemmy but whether a particular app has it or not I don't know. In the web view it's the star icon to the right of the reply button.
Eternity, Connect and Boost does this. But I like eternity's iteration of swipe navigation the most for the time being.
I'm using Sync and when it was Sync for reddit I believe it was possible. Perhaps it's now a premium feature, idk. But I'm not paying for premium when the developer goes dark between updates. Not saying his development method is wrong, but it's just not for me.
I dont think Sync for Lemmy has swipe option though. I did ask LJ about it and he said there was no current plan to add that feature
I'm only aware of one app that can do this: Boost. But unfortunatly, it's proprietary.
Thunder currently has an open issue for this, the dev is quite open to working on it. They want to rewrite the post area of the app anyway, so that's when they will probably add swiping between posts.
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