Spooky action at a distance
Holy hell
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en passassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassassant
I thought we established last time thst it was fancier to put all of the emphasis on the en and entirely gloss over, barely mumbling passant.
I'm willing to negotiate for multiple ens as separate words, but multiple ns in a single en makes no sense at all. I'm adding 64 passes, which is physically meaningful. It's important we stay grounded in reality here.
+1 for actually counting the passes. It’s hard work, but someone has to do it, goddammit!
Long passant
leng passant
Still looks a bit narrow to me
Do it vertically you pussy
I want to see a 600MB image upload. I want to see the upvote federation stress test lemmy’s infrastructure. I want an image so wide that my app crashes. I want to see how far we can push this before admins need a database upgrade to handle it. I want to watch the system burn in the name of a wider en passant.
You unambitious fools. I’m going to en passant onto the board of the people playing next to me!
That’s how you expand your territory.
To the moon!
The question is: how high have you doubled already? Bet we smash it!
Deliver now or face a ban!
youre not a mod you cant make do anything lmao
Okay, you called my bluff. What if I say "please"?
Is this legal?
According to the laws in my country, yes. They don't concern board games though maybe your country has laws protecting citizens from this?
Holy hell
New response just dropped
My ~~God~~ En Passant
Rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice