That dot at the end of the link got me frustrated :
Avocado tree are really tricky...and frustrating. You can't be sure it will actually branch, it depends on exposure to sunlight and quality of the soil. Some supplements could help too (phosphor I think? Someone please correct me, I'm not sure).
Do prune it though ! Mine is regurlarly pruned and looks good (I think!)
I am absolutely amazed at how good our community is...
Thank you very much for your effort in putting this information on Lemmy. It might sound like nothing to most, but for me it's huge.
Welp... Just paid them 80€ for a year and was in the process of migrating my gmail accounts to it. I guess I just lost 80€ and I'm migrating to somewhere else then...
This is a masterpiece. WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!
It should be posted to the linguists' communities ASAP. It really is a bridge between worlds. A new template for a new dawn on nonsenseland.
I am flabbergasted.
Vous vous êtes emporté m'sieur
Yes, that's how I did intend it in the first place! You were the first to comment and dans ma langue maternelle, so I couldn't resist and replied with my réaction à chaud.
J'en pleure
This is a great signal to be careful about! Thanks. Something like a momebmnt when phonetics begin to take precedence on grammar. You don't think that much when speaking and new mistakes appear.
That's a lot of schwas!
No problem haha! We're here for each others, aren't we? Glad to help with little things.