NTA. Abandoning the team by jumping in the pelican alone is an asshole move. Worse it's an anti-democratic move.
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Screw that guy. It's wild how many players completely ignore all communications
I had a guy who just kept saying stuff like “we need to run to extract” in all caps as soon as we completed the main objective on a hard mission with probably 20 minutes left to finish up the side objectives, pleennttyy of time. I wasn’t the host, but I probably would have kicked the guy after a while because he was getting mad at the rest of us for going around and cleaning up. He didn’t call extraction, but he sat around the extraction area the entire time.
When we did finally get extraction going he called in a 120mm barrage centered on the extract point and it killed two of us as the drop ship was coming in. We had time to reinforce, but that would have been my last straw.
The fact he wasn't helping clear the map would have earned a kick from me.
If you're host you get the final say on extracting. If they try to extract without any body else there and they're not paying attention to comms, especially text comms, then that's on them
You were in the right. Why would you jump in the extraction when your team isn't ready?
I assumed they shit their pants at the number of bugs on the map
Thanks to everyone for confirming my thoughts.
I would have loved to see the look on his face when he got kicked without any samples or the daily.
I’d have kicked him before he got to extract tbh
Eh, I've gone to extract to drop samples or secure the site. There are valid reasons to head early.
Comes down to comms. If I know why you’re there it’s cool
If I hear “calling in extraction”
I really wish there was a way to “vote for extraction” or as the host given option to toggle that on or off…
Because rogue calling in extraction early is one of the worst things about playing with randos.
Imagine someone goes up and hits the code to call an extraction and then (presuming all voting team members are alive and there are reserves remaining for re-enforcements - ie if no one is left alive and you have no reserves, calling in extraction no longer needs a vote since only one player remains) sees a quick pop up on their screen to allow them to vote yes or no or ignore… and you have to have a majority vote yes for it to call down.
Feel like this would be a resolve the problem - which otherwise is solved by people unloading grenades into the pelican when someone screws up and gets in.
If it was a vote you would get trolls who wouldn't vote it down
Then they get kicked. Much easier to do that as host and less damaging and irreversible to the current run when you’re playing than them unexpectedly calling in extraction and then hopping in the pelican while everyone else is on the other side of map.
If they are not communicating, then kicking them is 100% the right move.
Why finish the mission if you plan on scowerig the map still? The game mechanics increase the patrol spawnrate by a factor 4 once the primary mission is complete.
So no not the azshole, cause the other player was the asshole. But you do seem to foster bad habits in players..
That mechanic is explained nowhere in the game. Why the hell would people not guarantee that they finish the mission at least if they didn't know that? You can't expect people to know hidden mechanics like that. And who cares about extra patrols even? It's not like they are hard to take out or avoid?
Hidden? Once you complete the objectives the patrols keep on rolling in. So it's not stated in a tooltip, but it is kinda noticable.
And not hard to avoid. No, but on higher difficulty, the increased patrols make clearing the map hard. So usually you do it before.