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They might just want key staff to stay off recruiters' radar before development is complete. Doing a high-profile project with Nintendo will probably raise the profile of their studio quite a bit.
That can't be a good sign right? I mean why would they need to hide that?
Its Nintendo. They did the same for Paper Mario remake as well IIRC? Maybe their lawyers have basically convinced them to give the bare number of details to the public as possible to avoid any possible issues or something?
Did I miss a news? What happened the last time Nintendo mentioned the developer working on their game?
9/11 :(
Big if true
Yeah but that's exactly what's worrying me. What horrific shit are they hiding. Are there like child murderers working on this thing? Why is it a secret? In what world do lawyers think you have to hide the identity of people working on a project? That makes it seem so much worse to me. What the fuck? I'm only left to assume this game is being made by a mass murderer who likes to wear the faces of human children. Cuz why else would lawyers be involved?
Cuz why else would lawyers be involved?
Because its Nintendo?
There's no dirty secrets. That info will be available by release. You shouldn't pre-order things anyways, so it doesn't really matter if they release that info either.
It's rumored to be ILCA, who made the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes.
I mean they can't do worse... Right?