I would have used the hell out of this in high school for those boring books I don't remember anything about anymore
Fuck AI
"We did it, Patrick! We made a technological breakthrough!"
A place for all those who loathe AI to discuss things, post articles, and ridicule the AI hype. Proud supporter of working people. And proud booer of SXSW 2024.
If The Great Gatsby is a difficult book, what is something like Finnegan's Wake or Ulysses? Actually, I am kind of interested in how AI would destroy those works.
I feel like I might like this. I'm an idiot and sometimes struggle to maintain attention reading. So give me a short sentence direct to the point and I'm good to go.
Mean while all my comments are novels with 3rd grade grammar and spelling
I love when they invent new problems to sell you the solution.
It's no bad thing per se. The amount of information increases and the original still exists. One of the joys of reading is that as you get better at it you can read more sophisticated texts. You won't need this weak sauce AI pap after a while.