Welcome to /c/birding, a community for people who like birds, birdwatching and birding in general! Feel free to post your birding photos or just photos of birds you found in general, but please follow the rules as outlined below.
This should go without saying, but please be nice to one another. No petty insults, no bigotry, no harassment, hate speech,nothing of that sort! Depending on the severity, you'll either only get your comment removed and a warning or your comment will be removed and you will be banned from /c/birding.
This is a community for posting content of birds, nothing else. Please keep the posts related to birding or birds in general.
When posting photos or videos that you did not take, please always credit the original photographer! Link to the original post on social media as well, if there is one.
Absolutely no AI-generated content is allowed! I know it has become quite difficult to tell whether or not something is AI-generated or not, but please make sure that whatever you post is not AI-generated. If it is, your post will be removed. If you continously post AI-generated content, you'll be banned from /c/birding (but it's obviously okay if you post AI-generated stuff once or twice without knowing you did so).
Please provide rough information location, if possible. This is a more loosely-enforced rule, especially because it is sometimes not possible to provide a location. But if you post a photo you took yourself, please provide a rough location and date of the sighting.
I spotted my first one this summer! I was by myself at a park. I turned and shouted at the only stranger around. “Cedar waxwing!!”
She wasn’t impressed
Why's it your favourite ☺️? I like your pic in the comments of it munching a berry!
Fancy hair, neat eye mask, their feathers look "soft" in a way I can't really explain, and I'm always impressed at how vibrant their colouration is in the sun. Plus the fact that we only have them up here for a few months of the year really makes seeing them feel special.
I remember one spring when they visited our area. It almost sounded like crickets were out even though it wasn't their season... Turned out the Waxwings had come to visit and their usual vocabulary is somewhat similar to the sound of crickets (at least when you hear a whole bunch tweeting away)... They stripped tons of berries off the holly tree next door and kinda took over the backyard feeders for a couple days. I can't recall a day we've had them since though--and that was several years ago. Very cool birds 🐦
A winter bird where I live! First time I saw some (a flock in a neighbor’s tree) I was surprised by how small they are. I always pictured them bigger, like jay size.