Also Idiocracy, Thank You for Smoking, Titan A.E., and a whole heap of TV series.
All DVD only.
On Reddit we have r/dvdcollection, r/boutiquebluray, r/4kbluray, r/steelbook, r/vhs, etc but let's start simply with a community to cover all the forms of home video collecting.
So, do you feel nostalgic for a format? Are you looking forward to a release? Heard any exciting news? Want to show us your shelves? Then post away.
Elsewhere on the Fediverse:
Also Idiocracy, Thank You for Smoking, Titan A.E., and a whole heap of TV series.
All DVD only.
Titan ae has a banger soundtrack. Also nearly impossible to find now days.
Agree on the soundtrack but having watched the film again recently, it's not very good to be honest. :-)
What TV series? I have TYFS, Dogma and 28 Days Later
I saw Thank you for Smoking and Idiocracy both on Hulu recently, dunno if they're still there, and Dogma in full has been on YouTube for free for years
Titan ae has a banger soundtrack.
Don’t blame me, blame my autism! 😁
Dunno, seems you've weaponised and used it for the greater good. It's clear someone has to fact-check these and you are up for the job.
I understand he's trying to make a point by saying he wants to walk into a North American shop and pick up a copy but when you can purchase from all over the world, I think that negates the article.
Look at this comments on Day off the Dead(?) recently. He moaned that a 4K copy was available elsewhere but not in NA! There region free, it doesn't matter.
I've said it before but to complete my Kevin Smith collection, I had to import from Spain, Germany and the US. That point sounded better in my head but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to say.
I’ve said it before but to complete my Kevin Smith collection, I had to import from Spain, Germany and the US. That point sounded better in my head but hopefully you can see what I’m trying to say.
Indeed - if you are after the best copy, sometimes you have to shop around. I have discs from all over - I remember getting the Canadian DVD of The Mist because of the B&W version. It's just the nature of the beast.
make sure you also rip your dvds, depending on conditions they can have a shelf life as short as 30 years. I think it's usually closer to 100, but still
Oh cool. I have dogma and 28 days later. I should digitise them if they're rare
I think I have Panic Room and Dogma in DVD, there's bound to be tons of those in used stores