And Finally...
A place for odd or quirky world news stories.
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- The Internet will resurface old "And finally..." material. Just mark it [VINTAGE]
You may be on to something - his good is the old geezer with a hammer?
To add a little more context, from
“We don’t understand him. He doesn’t know what he’s saying," he said. "He talks to us about the period when he was involved in raising and selling cows. We ask him one thing, and he tells us another.
"Who knows where he has been, who kept him, maybe he was forced to work… who knows what kind of life he led?”
Where did he come from, where did he go?
I'd've been married, a long time ago....
Where did he come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?
Bizarre. Truly sounds fishy to me.
Totally reminds me of the Sergei Ponomarenko time traveler mystery. It was a pretty convincing story until people tried to actually verify the sources and evidence. Joe Scott did a great video on it:
Or institution...
Occam's razor.
Is there an Occam’s razor when someone shows up in the clothes they were wearing 30 years ago?
Yeah, prison.
Err where did their old car come from if he left by train? And how did 'they' question him if he sped off? And who asked the questions? Was he just in excellent physical health? Did he have dementia? So many holes in this story!
I was confused by the wording too. I think it means to say some random car and unknown driver stopped at the same house they had for 30 years, dropped Vasile off, then sped away before they, the unknown driver of the random car, could be questioned.
I don't think so as they said they couldnt question him at that point. That would've been quite a coincidence to have the same car they had 30 years ago as well!
maybe a dissociative fugue? don‘t know if they can last that long though
People do occasionally with no memory and this is an explanation given but it often turns out it not to be the case - I'm thinking of the Piano Man. However, some of these states have been known to last over a decade or come and go over a similarly long time span.
Then a concerned Mike received a call saying the executives weren't going to use his pictures because they believed the man was an asylum-seeker and it was an elaborate hoax. But Mike was welcome to sell the pictures to anyone else.
The Mail was not alone. The manager of a pub near where he was found maintained the stranger was "just another illegal immigrant" who had either jumped ship or been pushed overboard by people smugglers as coastguards closed in.
Back in Britain, Grassl was denounced as a ‘fraud’ for not being mute and as a ‘sham’ for not really being able to play the piano.
Why is Britain like this
Something something racism something something.