I like the "Thought" hint a lot.
Everett True Comics
A place to appreciate the twentieth century comic character Everett True of "The Outbursts of Everett True." Feel free to check out the sticky.
Thought bubbles weren't invented until 1978, when the first Garfield strip was published. Until then everything was spoken aloud. Dark times.
This got me curious as to when thought bubbles were first used. This website claims they were invented by Dirks. The example they give of his use of a thought bubble is from 1909, a year after this Everett True comic. So while this certainly predates common usage of though bubbles, it potentially also predates the first instance of one!
Everett must be very sick. He didn't even have the energy to poke the doctor with a finger, much less punch him.
He might wanna try not pulling his pants up so high, either. He’s probably ill-tempered because his balls are constantly squished.
What do skinny jeans and a dinghy have in common? No ballroom.
everyday he reminds me more and more of tony soprano
Tony True fucking someone up for disrespecting the ducks
not tony true 💀
Man, just look at that facial expression. That's a man in deep emotional pain.
Go out to the farm. That's solid advice. It's the Spring '08 edition of "Go touch grass". Did you notice the doctor is drawn realistically and not as a caricature? Perhaps the model was someone Condo knew in real life.
Very astute observations, my good chap.
Why, thank you, Wild William, you've created a conclave here that's simply the bee's knees.
Everett no! Stay true to yourself!
this comic predates the convention of thought balloons. a finger with the word thought pointing at it to convey that the speech bubble was, in fact, internal narrative. Now we have a convention where wavy lined word balloons are internal speech and solid lines are communicated verbally.
how far we’ve come