The Major died?!?
She deserves full military honors at her funeral.
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The Major died?!?
She deserves full military honors at her funeral.
The voice actress Atsuko Tanaka passed away on August 20 following a year-long battle against an undisclosed illness.
may you rest in peace
Her son Hikaru shared the news on X today, apologizing for revealing the parent-child relationship in this way.
not sure what the implication means but they must be in a difficult/weird position if they have the need to apologize
Not necessarily. Japan is 'weird'.
It may be considered proper to be introduced by your parent/elder.
edit Could also be a mistranslation. Perhaps he ment 'sorry for finding out about her death this way.'
It's a weird translation, the original text is something like, "It is with great regret that I have to inform you of our parent-child relationship in this way."
This sucks. She was a classic voice of Anime.
Thanks for sharing with us!
The voice actress Atsuko Tanaka passed away on August 20 following a year-long battle against an undisclosed illness. She was 61. Her son Hikaru shared the news on X today, apologizing for revealing the parent-child relationship in this way. You can read his message below.
My wife remembers her as Kaine from Nier, since she played in Japanese and it was pretty influential in her childhood. This news hits her especially hard.
WTF bro this timeline sucks ass
0 Days After the Death of Atsuko the Great VA