Here's the original news article, it's actually about boneless chicken wings being allowed to have occasional bones.
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Great Satire Writing:
Here's the original news article, it's actually about boneless chicken wings being allowed to have occasional bones.
They can put a few bones in, as a treat.
This is Joe Biden's America.
It's good to see the Beeb join the hallowed ranks of The Onion and The Daily Mash.
Yah, this is fake, right?
iirc this article is referencing a court decision where "boneless" wings can have a certain amount of bone in them because the de-boning technology can't be expected to be perfect. It's real, but it's also being taken wildly out of context.
Also from the BBC article posted in this thread "The court on Thursday ruled that "boneless wing" refers to "cooking style" and is not to be taken literally."
Boneless wings are now niether boneless nor are they wings.
What even are words?
OK, as long as bonless pizza is still not a thing.
Wait wait have I been eating bone in pizza this whole time?
Pizza cooks better with the bone left in, this is basically fact
I mean, you do you friend, as long as it's just you.
Boneless pizza doesn't exist, that's right. All pizza has bones in it.
Stupid court.
Also gluten-free isn't really free.