From someone who is all-in on Sony stuff (PS4 & PS4 Pro, PSVR1 & 2), this is tone deaf. Too much money for 5 Pro with not enough to show for it. Let alone disc drive and stand are extra too. Bizarre.
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Disc drive I can understand, with the push for digital, but vertical stand? That's just cheap.
It feels like a weird time to launch it too. 60million are still on PS4. This is just going to fragment things even more for gamers and developers alike.
If I was buying a PS5 today? I'd buy the more powerful one.
But will I be upgrading from my 2020 PS5? Not unless it breaks.
Agreed. I'm a lifetime PS fan going all the way back to nearly 30 years but Sony has completely turned me off to the idea of ever buying another console from them again. My PS5 (disc version) is probably my biggest financial regret of the last two years
Why? I've been rather pleased with my PS5 disc version. I've never actually used the disc, but it's there if I need to.
I've used the disc drive exactly twice for games in the last four years, but I'm happy it was there.
The second time, in fact, was just this last week because I was able to get Star Wars: Outlaws on disc for half off (some weird QVC deal a couple weeks ago).
Yeah, just get a PS5 slim? should be fine if you don't want the disc, or buy used PS5. My launch PS5 is still doing really well. But I stopped playing any multiplayer game on it and stopped PS Plus.
The games look great, but not noticably greater than what the PS5 already does. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Who wouldn’t want to pay nearly 1k EUR (incl. stand+disc drive) to play 6 year old PS4 games with slightly better performance?
So if you want a disc drive and have your console vertically, it's actually £825.
All that just for a bit of upscaling.
Feels like this generation isn't even at the halfway point. Waste of money.
The regular PS5 came out in November 2020 so it's been about 4 years. The PS4 came out in 2013 and got replaced 7 years later. So I'd say it's pretty halfway.
I just hope this generation doesn't stick around for 10 years.
I'm still waiting for this generation to start.
It feels like we've barely started to move past the PS4 with very few exceptions. I hope we don't move past the PS5 until it's necessary.
All respect to the "GPU Upgrade" I can't help but feel they added FSR, slapped a $700 sticker on it and called it Pro.
I love that their version of FSR is called pisser
It already had FSR. And $700 is pretty good GPU money. At least on AMD.
I would have hoped for a bit more cpu grunt too.
45% faster is kinda meager considering it's 4 years newer. Hopefully it's based on Radeon 7000 series (or maybe 8k) so it's raytracing is actually useful.
4 years newer and 40% more expensive.
What is FSR?
FSR is AMD's name for their software upscaling technology. I guess Sony went and wrote their own upscaler because as someone above pointed out PS5 technically already had FSR, but similar to Nvidia DLSS, it's all the same idea : render a small frame image (like 720/1080) at higher quality detail and use AI to blow the frame up to 4k before it reaches the display.
I’ve never been attracted by pc gaming, but the disappearance of disc drives and the high prices of PlayStation hardware these days is making me consider buying a Linux gaming PC after this generation.
I’d never thought this as I always saw so many advantages in console gaming..
But who knows, an optional disc drive on ps6 might still be proposed.
The Steam Deck is as close to a console as one could reasonably get while still offering all the flexibility and openness of a Linux PC.
I'm on my second (upgraded to an OLED), and I'm crazy satisfied with it.
I have a PS5 that goes mostly unused. I purchased the PS5 to continue my library from the PS4, but I've been really disappointed by this console generation. It doesn't feel like it was much of an upgrade given not many games target the PS5 alone. And now Sony is doing a Pro for what purpose exactly?
The Steam Deck is a really exciting project and I might buy its successor but I guess it depends on how it would perform when docked on a bigger screen as I don’t see myself playing all the time on a small one.
Yikes, that's not a good price, or look. And with most devs targeting PS4 (or Steam Deck) hardware these days, I'd say the new GPU will go underutilized outside of the AAAA sphere.
At that price point I'd say it'd be better to build a PC than get this thing.
Just wait until we start getting AAAAA games though!
Ooooo, I hope it comes from yet another Ubisoft government subsidy scam
Unless things have changed dramatically since I built my PC a few years ago, you can't even get a good GFX card for that price, let alone build an entire PC.
800€+120€ disc drive.... That's just to much. But i don't really need it, i'm fine with the normal ps5
+ 30€ vertical stand 🤡
Wow. That was underwhelming. To be honest, my PS5 has been treated like a PS4 PRO PRO. Catching up on those old cheap PS4 games that had Pro patches. (I only have a base PS4). I mean TLOU2 looks great when patched for PS5 and I never understood why anyone would want the PS5 remaster because to my eyes there's very little difference.
Also, that price and no stand or drive. What were they thinking?
At the end of the day, whose going to spend £700 so that their games look a little bit better?
That’s basically my view on it, and I’m okay with it. PS4 is around the graphical plateau where I just don’t care about advances - it just struggled to keep a good 30fps at the time. We didn’t need much more.
I think since I got my PS5, I still haven’t bought any true “5 exclusives” which was much the same experience as my Series S.
500 USD in 2006 is worth the equivalent of 780 USD now though
Yeah, but the PS3 had a disc drive. With the disc drive, PS5 Pro goes for more than $800.
I'm stunned by the negative comments, I'm excited and definitely getting this :D. All I wanted was higher framerates and better graphics with it if it's too much to ask. I'll get both + twice the storage. I don't use the drive and keep the console horizontally anyway.
Well, the general consensus seems to be, the upgrade doesn't seem very noticeable, and the price is too expensive. $200 more than the base model.
I think there would have been less complaints at $600 price range, but that's just my speculation.
But if you like it, and can afford it, it is more powerful than PS5, so go for it!
I'm excited because this might drive down used prices for the older (disc) models. Actually they might keep selling the slim cheaper new as a budget version.
Depends on the adoption, if enough people don't go for it, it won't make much for a difference.
If physical disc drives disappear, I might leave consoles and only use a Linux gaming PC as they would lose a big advantage in my eyes.
In a way, I guess we really need Xbox to get back to shape so that Sony doesn't become the only player in its market and doesn't try anything stupid.
This or Valve releasing a gaming console/pc for your leaving room for approximately the price of a ps5.
But I just made a comparison online as I was trying to buy Star Wars Jedi Survivor and the game is around 80 dollars on Steam, 40 dollars on the ps store and 49 dollars for the physical version on ps5 on a swiss (my country) online retailer. So when people are saying that games are always cheaper on pc, I don't think it's always the case.