The description missed: desperate attempt of OP to paint Wikipedia (the open source successful project which democratized public knowledge) same colours as Facebook and Twitter.
I wonder if there's some kinda agenda behind it
The description missed: desperate attempt of OP to paint Wikipedia (the open source successful project which democratized public knowledge) same colours as Facebook and Twitter.
I wonder if there's some kinda agenda behind it
Might want to look into WIkipedia's very well documented history of political bias, racism, sexism, etc.
LOL really betting that people can't see libertarian Jimmy Wales begging for money while manicuring every narrative the DoD spits out. Just because sometimes they are willing to accept that napalm's ability to stick to flesh and burn underwater isn't "irrelevant pov" we can take them at face value as a bastion of democracy. Are you on the Atlantic Council or do you simply have a sandblaster pointed at your brain?
check out their comment history for an extra laugh :)
Whenever I see these coy political memes I'm grateful that I'm not on the side where our extremists are the mainstream. The political theory is great, guys. In theory. Don't make it your personality.
As someone who spent a year fighting the narrative on Wikipedia, the only thing I came to realize is they're right 95% of the time (and the remainder is a matter of one way or the other can't be proven, so they went with the common opinion)
Fwiw my account is even has the extended protected rank, I spent a lot of time on it
fRrEdOm oF sPeEcH dOeSnT mEaN yOu gEt tO sPeAk wHaTeVeR yOu wAnT oN pRiVaTe pLaTfOrMs sO tHeReS nO cEnSoRsHiP!!!!!1!!
Well, based on that logic, fire safety rules no longer apply to private buildings! Only government buildings are required to install smoke detectors and keep fire escapes clear. How about that?
You don't get to claim something as a human right on the same level as access to food and water (and claim yourself as superior to countries that supposedly don't have it) and then give yourself exceptions that nullify it in almost every situation. There are no public government run platforms of speech in the US.
Full rant here:
No free speech - no freedom
My freedom - say bullshit, your freedom - mute me for you