Simply put, think more like celphones and e-mail, and less like facebook. You can register an e-mail with google, yahoo, your ISP, your school, your job, or all of the above at the same time, and no matter which one you are using, you can still send a message to your mother for some god forsaken reason is still using an AOL e-mail address. If your e-mail provider is a jerk, throws too many ads, tracks you too much or simply hasn't added the features you want. you can just switch providers, and YOU can switch providers alone... and still e-mail all your old friends without having to beg them to change as well.
I'd second that. Perk of a 4 day work week can be great for everyone. though I suppose the problem is culture is kind of revolved around most people having set days off. Would create a challange for say scheduling parties, family gatherings, religious services etc... Though the pluses IMO would be removal of so much conflict when it comes to things. Both be more availability to use, and hours available to work at banks, etc... if we didn't declare an official "business days"/hours
I mean synapse seems to be the standard. Conduit is probably faster, but also far less stable and kind of technically in beta.
Next up.. Elon Musk is going to push it before it's ready. Lawyers going to do well 60 percent of the time... except that it's going to talk faster randomly... and randomly dive after any law enforcement or doctors that happen to be in the courtroom.
Yeah... here in America if someone wants to steal your briefcase... they are probably going to shoot you first. At which point... there's not much point to the antics of booby trapping the briefcase because the thief has no time crunch.
(also why the standard security for super important briefcases in america is handcuffing it to your wrists. Because it's really hard to blend into a crowd dragging behind a dead 6'2 guy in a suit.
Pretty sure it's the other way around... black mirror episodes are usually based on things that are already being debated. Most blatent one to me was the points system in nosedive (which is basically the social credit system already being done in china).
IMO I think a lot of socialists need to focus on... well coming up with more solutions to the collapse of the soviet union. I'm not an expert on it, but I know enough basic history to know... the soviet union imploded. Fact is a lot of the first world capitalist countries are stuck in the propoganda of "we tried it, it failed". The reality is like every system and every event in history, they did some good things and some bad things, and a propor system takes the good, refines it, finds the bad parts and cut it out.
At least to my really limited history knowledge, I'm sure a large part of it was the dick waving contest with the US and capitalist countries. Obviously Lysenkoism was an extreme case of horrid stupidity that made the food supply chains 100x worse.
The point is, if we want to sell the world on communism, we can't just point to things and say "See USSR did this, and it was good", without making a case for it having done good in the USSR, and not allow it to be assumed to be part of the collapse of the USSR.
pretty sure whatever the hell that is is satire.
Oh he’s hated pretty much, go to any gamer space and start discussion about the Epic Store.
I'm lost on that... I mean steam is kind of almost everyone's example of a store done right. Hell valve single handedly gets credit for basically making linux gaming viable today. Meanwhile epic can be credited for literally doing the opposite (IE making rocket league DROP linux support).
Now in valid criticism of valve, I could say they certainly deserve some blame for basically creating a ton of IPs, and then sitting on them for years, while basically letting steam print money for them (Why make a game when you can get a cut from every game ever sold).
So yeah I can fully see valve getting some blame for well basically not pushing forward on making... well (insert any valve game, 3)
Honestly the real problem though... is the double edged problem. Sadly the majority of people that are censored... are ones that no one wants to listen to, self admitted white supremacists, Flat earthers, anti vax, school shooting deniers etc...
The problem is in the ideal world, those types aren't censored, but are burried on the simple ground of being outnumbered. But sadly they are a larger fringe than people that just care about free speach... and thus when a platform opens without censorship, instead of representing the actual reality, it disproportionately gets overtaken by the hateful extremists.
Neither, they both lose in the preliminaries to a guy with laser eyes. (If super powers are allowed... than super powers are allowed.
I don't recall even a linux based recovery distro with that. I remember Hirens had a lot of pirate stuff on it in it's older versions, but that was a windows based recovery boot disk.