Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Tap for spoiler
'Theater' held me up for a bit. Wish you Americans would spell correctly 😉
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Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Tap for spoiler
'Theater' held me up for a bit. Wish you Americans would spell correctly 😉
You didn't realize there was a colorful aluminum theater in the center of Armor Square?
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202 “I've got the music in me!” 🔵🔵🔵🟡 🔵🔵
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”
“I've got the music in me!”
Strands #202
“I've got the music in me!”