"Her brain mri showed nothing"
"No hemorrhaging?"
"I was actually being a lot more literal than that"
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-natilasm posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank
"Her brain mri showed nothing"
"No hemorrhaging?"
"I was actually being a lot more literal than that"
"She's all right"
"Oh thank god"
"I don't know why you're so happy, a massive stroke has made her lose control of the left half of her body so now she's all right"
cant believe they're literally doing weekend at bernies with a senators corpse
They're doing it with so many of them they could decide votes
Late Soviet leaders increasingly young and active looking by comparison
First as tragedy, then as farce.
Amidst all the horrors in America, this shit at least gets a laugh out of me. I do what praxis I can, try and find time for some soothing hobbies after work, but sometimes all you can do is cackle and the hideous literary displays in action.
Amazing how your longevity is changed with socialized medicine...
The best that money can buy is not socialised medicine because money can and does buy it
"Socialized medicine" is a Reaganite term and I hate it.
I think you both missed the "socialized medicine for me, fuck you for thee"
Oh true....
the point is that the government merely offering health insurance isn't socialized medicine. it's just public health insurance. it's not even socialized healthcare if the government provided the healthcare too. socialism is about who controls the government. while it's in bourgeois hands, it's not socialized.
this matters because there's a liberal push to water down what socialism means so they can offer tepid social democracy, call it socialism, and remove the teeth from the groundswell of leftist popularity.
(offer... not grant... there won't be any concessions until the threat of revolution weighs on everyone's minds)
Socialism is when the government does stuff.jpg
(It’s not socialism when the bourgeoisie is still running the show 😉. You’re mistaking socialism for social democracy, the left wing of fascism.)
(bonus 👍 for using bourgeois properly in a sentence, hope that gets you laid)
I prefer her living actually. This is incredibly funny to watch, our leaders just visibly decaying to dust in front of our eyes.
I have a hunch that the US has the single longest unbroken streak of being led by decrepit people. Like even in the middle ages I can't imagine an old demented king ruling for more than a few years before croaking or being deposed, right? I'd like an input from a historian but I'm at least pretty sure the US is in the top 5.
Only one I can remember off hand is Ramses II who lived to 90 after ruling for 66 years
Live Dianne Feinstein Reaction
"Just say 'Aye'"
Just fuckin' die!
Send in the crabs
They're gonna keep donated blood flowing through her dessicated heart for the next century
they're gonna turn her into a darksouls boss in order to vote "present" on the next union bust
Hey, that's alright, I have a claymore and I know how to roll! I just hope the arena isn't a total nightmare...
At least she's not going for reelection that's a fucking surprise lol but I guess she's finally too decrepit to keep up the farce any longer
Sandor Clegane from Game of Thrones be like:
The A Song of Ice and Fire novels are still better though, even after that scene (I literally burst out laughing when I first saw it).
The crabs must dance
This is the part in a movie where one of the good-guy mooks shouts, "They just keep coming at us!" (generally during a zombie invasion or some shit)
Remember when influential retired elder statesperson was a thing?
Yeah they were in their late 60's
Hold on now it says right there her SCANS are CLEAR what more could you want
Many people's identity is so wrapped up into their profession that they are nothing outside of that position. The fear of facing the truth that they are nothing outside of that is terrifying for them. For example, this woman won't be getting any requests to do speaking tours on something awesome she's done. So, she clings to that position like glue rather than moving onto another chapter of her life.
I appreciate this take but it's not her that's clinging to anything, it's her staff. There's a whole patronage network that comes with a seat like that. All of their friends are getting cushy jobs and inside trading information.
Ah... never thought about that. Wow. I didn't know it worked like that. Diabolical
Actual photo of her reaction:
Well that's disappointing.
Just nominate her instead of Biden already!