Imagine being stupid enough to post that without adding "in minecraft" at the end.
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-natilasm posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank
He didn't want the FBI to grief his server!
Minecraft MOTD:
Remember to say "parody" or
“Hating Biden will get you killed…”
No, threatening to “sniper” the president on social media will get you killed, dumbass
Should have watched this instructional video from Trevor Moore.
But they got him too. He "fell off a balcony".
p sure he died trying to suck his own dick
If hating Biden were enough to get you killed, Hexbear would be a graveyard
Guy says he's going to have a loaded gun the next time the FBI show up.
The FBI show up.
He has a loaded gun.
He dies.
How could Biden do this?
His greatest sin was not taking any of them with him
Put up or shut up
Thanks Ob- uh, Biden!!
somehow even stupider than the guy who tried to nail gun through a window at an FBI office and ended up getting merked in a corn field
guy who tried to nail gun through a window at an FBI office
bro played too much quake
lmao, he did that then posted about it online afterwards, but before getting shot
Said he "thought he had a way through bullet proof glass" (presumably the nail gun), amazing
He misread "rail" as "nail". Rookie mistake.
Thanks to you I just got the quake joke above, thanks !
Never seen anyone with a skin mustache before, but that’s about the only way I can describe it.
I thought he had a mustache lol
Oh holy shit what, it wasn't until I read your comment that I even noticed he didn't.
Extremist Wilfred Brimley was my first thought ahah
>hating biden is enough to get you killed
lol okay
This person 1000% told at least one story about enjoying the smell of leaded gasoline fumes when they were young.
What a waste.. How hard was it to just fucking chill in his retirement years and not be a Facebook terrorist.
It’s actually pretty hard tbh. My dad recently retired and I had to unfollow him on the remaining social media platforms I am still on.
If you don’t stay busy or in touch with your friends, you’ll just fall into a hole and post crazy shit online to get attention
Some people take it well, others not so much. My parents tend to be super chill and are handling retirement very well, my dad can't sit still (tries to do DIY stuff he shouldn't be doing at his age) but he's always been that way.
My in-laws are both just about retired, they are rapidly losing their minds because all they've ever known for the past 35 years is work or taking care of their 4 kids and now they have neither. My FIL doesn't understand how to not be working, he will literally go home to do yardwork in the middle of vacation because he can't take it anymore. All my MIL does is complain about how much he irritates her. Both of them need hobbies and fast.
I feel so grateful that neither of my parents ever got into social media
If you don’t stay busy or in touch with your friends, you’ll just fall into a hole and post crazy shit online to get attention
Terry Pratchett had a good take on this in his book "Men at Arms". "Individuals aren't naturally paid-up members of the human race, except biologically. They need to be bounced around by the Brownian motion of society, which is a mechanism by which human beings constantly remind one another that they are...well...human beings."
Boomers really, really love 🤣😂 spamming to hide their deeply simmering violent rage, don't they?
Boomers online think they're the masters of snark.
Boomers offline shoot gas station clerks in the face over incorrect change.
They want so very badly to seem above it all and on a cloud of detached smugness yet they're some of the most brittle people I've ever known.
His LARP kit is why I made a point of buying the most basic AR-15 possible. A gun shouldn't be a surrogate penis, more shit on it won't make you more capable, and it's ultimately money wasted to feel comfortable. This hog had every little big man totem he could fit on himself and he didn't even wound his attackers with 45-ish rounds and 3-6 more magazines on his chest rig alone. Just embarrassing.
2 lights, a scope, a fore grip and sling, these are a few of my favorite things.
still though fuck the cops and the fbi. death to america
I, for one, critically support both sides continuing to fight and diminish each other. We get evidence of police's lethal failure to handle a situation and no innocent comrades were permanently disabled in the process.
Yeah. I think overall we’d be better off with a less bloodthirsty and less “effective” law enforcement in this country. But… both groups want us dead so the less of either of them there are the better. Call it a wash I guess.
Idk why but that bag of mini spooners in the back of the larp photo had me rolling
He was right about one thing ..
Frosted mini spooners are solid
🫡 🫡 🫡
This is like an SCTV skit
Step 1: Never reveal your plans publicly to the FBI
Feeble and frail lol
oh seven