"Unthaw" means freeze
Relationship Memes
[email protected] is the place for relationship memes. Whether you're loved up or single, showing off or sulking, all your relationship memes are welcome here where it's actually all quite wholesome. We actually think the more sickly-romantic the better here 😂 Have fun all!
A meme as defined by this community is an image that is designed to make a point or be relatable.
For more adult themed memes: [email protected]
Ahh, damn. I didn’t catch that
In all seriousness, if your (or your wife's) feet are cold, put on a hat or put a pillow over your head. Your feet are cold because your body isn't warm enough. Most of your body heat is lost through the head, especially in bed where it's the only part uncovered.
The part about losing most of our body heat through our heads is a myth. If your head is the only thing not covered then yes, you will lose more heat through your head, so you’re not wrong in that regard.
It may also be poor circulation, I have bad verifies veins and my feet are always cold, even in the summer time.
That or she may have Raynaud's disease. Lots of people do. I have it and my body can be actually very hot but because of vasospasm my feet are ice cold. They go numb in wintertime.
Losing most of your body heat through your head isn't true. You're correct that if your head is the only part of your body that isn't "insulated" ie under a blanket, then yes you will lose more there. But in general, you lose a lot of heat through your hands and feet because your fingers and toes act to greatly increase surface area for heat transfer to your surroundings
Thanks for the suggestion. I remember that heat loss through the head being debunked a few years ago. She probably does have poor circulation though 😬
heat loss through the head being debunked
Well, I find putting a hat on anywhere makes me warmer. YMMV I guess :-)