Decided to try this myself, lol
Toast until toaster
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Decided to try this myself, lol
Toast until toaster
This is way better.
I always forget step 2. Making sparks with the fork.
Don't forget step 2, putting the bread in sideways
This confuses the toaster so that it can't tense up its slots for step 2, where you jam the bread in the regular way.
which step 2?
Lol... step #2 is ambiguous.
It looks like something else… spread into the toaster. Makes sense with AI being a /machine and all that.
I like the numbering:
1 2 3 4 3 2 2 1 coke
That toaster is remarkably consistent.
To make toast, follow these simple instructions:
2 plug the cable part of the way in and apply two or three cocktail fork fulls of semen. Place a dish of butter nearby.
3, Plug the cable into the top of the toaster, plug a different cable into the bottom. Insert a slice of bread into one of the slots. Swap the butter for a small dish of ketchup.
4 Swap the ketchup for a jar of duck sauce, fondle the bread.
2 Unplug the toaster completely, get a Pez dispenser, and turn the bread...sideways?
Plug the toaster back in, get a different dish of butter, pinch the bread.
Scrape the bread with a fork on a worried tray near a concerned butter knife.
Serve on a plate with losenges, coffee, whippets and coffee.
Lemmy aggressively wants to correct my numbering scheme. Could we just scrap markup formatting entirely on this platform? It fucks up more than it helps.
This reminds me of the short film it's such a beautiful day about losing ones mind/cognitive ability.
So good job!
Nicely done!
I like that I can tell it's AI because the toaster itself isn't copy pasted. There's something different going on with the wire for each one.
I like how in the second step two, the toaster becomes wireless, and in the second step one, it transforms into a serving platter
So hard to decide on the spread. Butter? Ketchup? Mustard? Might need this cotter pin at some point...and a swiss army knife... eh butter is fine. Et voila.
Did you kiss those 2 finger nail trims? They go best with mustard though.
Shaving cream and strawberries, but they were to lazy to put it on the toast.
Third one on the second row got me good. Huh??? The bread won't fit in the toaster sideways???
whole-loaf toaster
Obviously incorrect, but honestly this is kinda impressive the amount of detail it added in.
Even managed to count to 4