
joined 6 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 hour ago (2 children)
[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

Most people want features like AI

That's just not true.

as someone who runs local inference all the time, i think that centralized online models have no place anywhere near consumers. partly because the things they offer are trivial and offload critical skills, partly because they require insane amounts of energy, and partly because they are privacy nightmares. all things that are against moz's stated mission. and yet here we are.

[–] 12 points 11 hours ago (4 children)

so why weren't they in there before? moz's lawyers have obviously never thought they even need a policy before now, so what changed?

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

seems i've been a bit mistaken. on page 68 of the GU SOM-census you can see the enormous shift in the public opinion. unfortunately it doesn't go beyond 2022. i'd be interested in seeing how it changed through the application process. Officerstidningen says support went down after 2022 but they don't have a graph.

i still think it was a brexit-style peek above the surface for the join side, because the stuff we've had to give up to join has not been popular.

[–] 6 points 15 hours ago

as long as it works on a full consensus system for decisions it's a time bomb.

[–] 6 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

bit too much enthusiasm on Troy's face to match reality. we didn't want to join. the current government didn't promise joining during the elections. there was no referendum, and at no point during the past ten years would the join side have won if there was one.

we had to remove trade barriers to get in. we put those up because we didn't want to sell weapons to countries systematically violating human rights on their own soil.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago

i think there's also a vim-mini that gets installed by default in some debian-based distros.

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

Zardoz is an actual religious experience. you expect a giggle at Sean Connery in a thong but then you're glued to the screen for two hours straight.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago

it's tractor pulling without a counterweight and with dinky little cars

[–] 8 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

vim has a limited "vi-mode" that it uses if you call it as vi. so it could still be vim.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)
[–] 4 points 2 days ago (3 children)

good job unhiding the thing i was was trying to make sure people only see if they feel like they can handle it.


i love all these little diorama creators that have popped up recently, they make it very easy to create a city that looks good. But they only hold my interest for so long. i'm looking for something with more meat on it. Any recommendations?

as an example, i remember the first time i managed to keep a city of over a million people going in Sim City 4. at this point money was tight, so the building aspect took a back seat to actually managing the city. balancing the budget, fixing congestion, and so on. it was great fun and a very different challenge than i thought i was in for.

most citybuilders these days seem more focused on the building than the older ones. for example, when i got to the point in Cities Skylines where i thought i was entering the "management" phase, i unlocked a building that just removed an aspect of the game. it was like the game thought that planning the electric grid or schools was a chore that got in the way of building a city, and as a reward it removed those chores.

basically, i'm looking for a game where rather than physically growing the city through placing individual buildings, i help the city grow. like transport tycoon, except the city is the focus rather than the interconnections.

a key part of this, i think, is time. a city that is frozen in time and where clicking with a tool just builds things, like C:S or SC2013, doesn't make for interesting growth. a city designed around historical limitations feels more like something that needs to be managed. a game where buildings and roads take time to complete and modify requires more forethought.

workers and resources comes pretty close but the central planning aspect means that i still need to micromanage the buildings. if it was all about zoning, with special buildings being unlocked by the request system in older sim cities ("x seeks permission to build a stink generator downwind of your residential area") i would enjoy it more.


I have two monitors, one 1440x3440 and one 1080x1920 to its right. Every boot, the desktop on my left monitor moves over and displays on top of the right one. Killing and restarting plasmashell moves it to where it should be, but i'd love to fix this without adding that to my .xsession. Thing is, i'm not versed enough in the KDE internals to know where this issue even stems from.

I'm running EndeavourOS with Plasma 6.1.5 on X11. I haven't tried wayland since Plasma 6 switched to it and then promptly flickered itself into a crash.

Edit: This machine runs the amdgpu-pro driver, and has done since before plasma 6 released. i didn't have this problem on plasma 5.

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