To explain, for those like me who don't know:
soup du jour just means "soup of the day;" or "today's soup;" it's just whatever soup is sold that day.
When people are way too smug about their wrong answer.
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To explain, for those like me who don't know:
soup du jour just means "soup of the day;" or "today's soup;" it's just whatever soup is sold that day.
Thank you, I don't know French and was scratching my head as to why this is confidently incorrect.
I need to find more opportunities to use “I don’t know what kind of ruse you’re trying to perpetrate” in my life. Preferably over completely banal things.
I don’t know what kind of ruse you’re trying to perpetrate, but you could always use the phrase as a complete non sequitur.
I don't know what kind of ruse you're trying to perpetuate, but comment replies shouldn't make me laugh out loud.
I like your style!
Just walk into a Chuck E Cheese and you should have a few things that apply.
Are they serving steak at Chuck E. Cheese now?
What is the soup du jour?
It's the soup of the day.
Mmm...that sounds good. I'll have that.
'Scuse me, Flo?
Kick his ass Seabass!
I just need to know which Day they've boiled to make the soup as not all Days are good ones.
Thursday’s soup tastes electric
Soup of Saturday tastes like Freedom!
You'd expect Friday to taste like that, instead!
And then the soup clapped
It was still clapping when I started to eat it.
Wow, this is an oooooooold joke! My dad used to tell it the 90s.
This sounds like a great dad joke
Things that didn't happen for $200, Alex.
Trick of the day
Wasn't this the entire plot of dumb and dumber
it was just not her day.