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2246 and 4321 are my favs
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2246 and 4321 are my favs
This one is my favourite:
Complex enough to be distinct, but simple enough that a child could draw a recognizable version of it.
Complex enough to be distinct, but simple enough that a child could draw a recognizable version of it.
Basically all the finalist designs are really good for this, with the exceptions being the two the with full state siloette, debateably the corn and gears (although I give it a pass for cool factor) and the one that is a identical to the original.
Personally, I like 4321 (monarch and stars), 4220 (Lincoln's Silhouette and Mississippi), 2246 (striped field), and 200 (Circle of Stars on blue stripes).
Monarch and Stars looks too much like a tramp stamp. I hadn't noticed Lincoln's sillhouette. That one might grow on me. Striped field is my favourite. Circle of Stars on blue stripes is boring.
I feel like Circle of Stars is most solid, but also most boring option. My only reservation with Striped Field is that it feels too corperate. Lincoln's Silhouette is a weird one, but it feels like a good balance between weird and simple/traditional flag design. Monarch and Star, I honestly just like for the butterfly motif. I was trying to think it over, but I can't even pick a favorite. They're all very good designs.
Too boring for me. Looks like a generic adornment on a military officer's uniform.
That shitty website breaks the back button so I have to close the app and reload it to get out of the webviewer.