Some non-licensed stuff:
Somebody gotta mention Comix Zone for the Sega Genesis.
Freedom Force is a turn based strategy game fromi think the early 2000’s that was heavily inspired by old school comics as well.
Vintage gaming community.
If you see these please report them.
Some non-licensed stuff:
Somebody gotta mention Comix Zone for the Sega Genesis.
Freedom Force is a turn based strategy game fromi think the early 2000’s that was heavily inspired by old school comics as well.
Never heard of either of those. I'm definitely interested in a turned based game!
Careful, it’s pricey!
(J/k, it’s on sale for $1.24)
I misremembered and apparently it’s not strictly turn-based strategy, but it’s some kind of hybrid tactical thing. Definitely not an RTS or beat-em-up. Very well loved in its day.
How have I not heard of Freedom Force? That's a pickup for me ASAP. Thanks! 👍
Happy to share! It’s from a legendary team that made games like Thief and System Shock 1&2, the predecessor to Bioshock. Phenomenal pedigree.
There are great beat em ups. X-Men is the usual recommendation and it's great. I'm fond of the Punisher game, which is only 2 players, but a lot of fun.
A classic Punisher game sounds fun. Of course X-men!
The Punisher beat em up was great. We had the Sega Mega drive port when we were kids which was fun if it didn’t look as nice.
Second player was Nick Fury.
man there was a generic superhero game I used to love where you could specify your powers and such specifically but I can't remember the name. it predates city of heroes and such and was before games were online from a central server. arggh I wish I could remember the name.
Maybe it'll come to you now that you're thinking about it
nope. I narrowed it down to early 2000 like 2001 or 2 or so. Im pretty sure these two geeky cs professors turned me onto it.
Freedom Force, maybe? I haven't played it but it's from around that time.
oh man that is it. you are a wonderful wonderful person and im going to see if I can find it and run it on retrodeck. likely won't work as I believe its keyboard but you never know.
For me it’s always the X-men games for Sega Mega drive. The first one does not hold up as well if you didn’t grow up with it, but the second one (X-men 2 Clone Wars) is gold.
Fuckin' Clone Wars was the shit, love that game
The X-men game on game gear was also quite decent.
Alright, I'll go grab the second one! Thanks
I think you can run SNES games right? There were a whole bunch of Marvel and DC games on the Super Nintendo. Ninja Turtles, Batman, X-Men, Spiderman. And if you can do Sega I remember Earthworm Jim kind of had the same feel
SNES is easy for the Pi. Great ideas, thanks! I've heard of Earthworm Jim but never looked at it before
To piggy back on this, here's some more specific examples (as far as I'm aware listed games have both Genesis and SNES versions unless otherwise noted; note that versions may differ in gameplay and/or quality):
Thanks for the list, it's really helpful!
X-Men vs Street Fighter. It's included in the Marvel vs Capcom collection that came out this year but I recommend getting your hands on the original arcade ROM and play it via MAME.
Alright, I'll give that a shot!
I was going to suggest XIII, but I don't know if you'll get that to run on a Pi. Not sure what they're capable of these days!
Interesting, never heard of that one before. The RPi5 can at least play GC on Batocera so I can try and see how well it runs.