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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/neeblerxd on 2024-12-17 21:27:28+00:00.
Looking for a pair of rain pants that are very light and packable. Use case is mainly for day hikes during cold/wet/windy weather this time of year, where I'd want something covering my legs.
Highly packable because my kit is stored in a Salomon AdvSkin 12 so I'm trying to keep things compact.
I appreciate the rain skirt recommendations but I'd like to stick with pants. Also avoiding a poncho because of wind
Has anyone had a chance to compare the Vertice and Versalite pants? These seem like the top contenders so far. Is there another offering that I should pay attention to?
Update: Decided to order the Montbell Versalite pants with ankle zips as they checked my boxes and were available to order. Thanks all for your suggestions