Are we sure that it's "ISIS inspired"? Because after the Oklahoma City bombing, the government kept insisting it was a foreign attack and most everyone I knew thought it was home-grown terrorism.
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“An ISIS flag was located in the vehicle and the FBI is working to determine the subject's potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations,”
Seems like a reasonable connection to investigate.
after a terrorist drove his truck - with an ISIS flag on the back - into crowds
Literally first sentence.
We can't be sure sure, but pretty sure.
Oh so that's why they changed their tune on the "terrorism" angle, because they've got a convenient Muslim patsy since the War on Terror never really ended in the USA.
It was odd to have the initial report say it wasn't terrorism, and then later change it to terrorism. I just assumed it was miscommunication, but this is just pathetic.
The initial reporters wouldn't have much information to go on. It's not at all odd to keep a somewhat reserved opinion until further evidence is revealed.
I'd say finding an ISIS flag in the truck is a reasonable way to elevate suspicion to potential terrorism. Especially with other similar events occurring within a few hours of each other.
any intentional act meant to kill as many civilians as possible is terrorism in my book. i recognize there’s no universally accepted definition, but this more strict “wait to see” strategy i have seen more often just function to let conservative white male terrorists get off the hook with the label “shooter” despite their obvious political motives.
Cars are weapons. They should be controlled to the equal level guns are, which should be much more than they currently are.
Don't worry I know the down votes are coming.
Controlled to the Equal level guns are?
You are required to attain and maintain a license to be able to operate a car. You usually need insurance in case you harm another person with your car. You can quickly and easily get your license to use a car revoked, even without anybody getting hurt or killed, and your use is constantly under scrutiny and regulated.
Guns should be controlled to the equal level cars are, not the other way around.
Article does not mention anywhere he was an Army Vet.
We’re basically not safe in this country when we’re out in public.