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The original was posted on /r/Ultralight by /u/Shot2 on 2025-01-06 11:27:48+00:00.
Vapcell finally released the P2160B, a 6000mAh 21700 Li-Ion battery with USB-C in & out, thus usable as a powerbank (contrary to the earlier P2160A).
Nominal specs:
- Weight: 78g
- Capacity: 6000mAh (5800mAh minimum)
- USB-C in/out: 10W, 5V/2A
- Battery output: 21.6Wh
Measurements, on a brand new 2-pcs set:
- Weight: ~79g
- USB-C out: 9.5W, 4.87V/1.95A (average, over 90min)
- Battery output: 15.4Wh*
Beware, the P2160B is slightly bulkier than a P2150A, by ~2mm in length and ~1mm in diameter (see photos). The LED indicator is also different: charging = red blinking, then continuous once fully charged; discharging = green continuous, then blinking if almost empty. In a nutshell: larger, 4~5 grams heavier, and ~13% more power than the P2150A.
**voltage, amps, and cumulative power measured with a crappy Ruideng UM-34C USB multimeter... the value found (15.4Wh) is consistent between runs, but not to be considered accurate; as a comparison, tested in similar conditions, I get 13.6Wh from a barely-used 18Wh-rated P2150A.*