Contrary to popular belief, the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is far from the first time violence has been advocated as an answer to mass oppression of the people.
Who the fuck believes that?
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
)Contrary to popular belief, the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is far from the first time violence has been advocated as an answer to mass oppression of the people.
Who the fuck believes that?
People who don't pay attention to history or general news.
So most Americans?
Americans most infamously but it seems to be a global trend unfortunately.
The Murder of Fred Hampton is required viewing.
I know all about it, its disgusting. Murdered in bed next to his pregnant fiance. The cops that carried out that assassination deserve to rot in piss for all eternity
Absolutely. The BPP was building dual power, supporting AES, provided social services like free lunches for children, and actually stood as a threat to power as Marxist-Leninists. The Police did their job as servants of Capital and murdered him for daring to try to change society to be more equitable.
Or for the more casual political viewer: Judas and the Black Messiah
Assassinated in his bed by the US government.
Rest in power
Amen, that is definitely the RIP Hampton deserves. On the flip side Brian Thompson and the rest of the capitalist wall street military and prison industry profiteers who have bought our political system and own the media they deserve to Rot in piss along with the feds and pigs that extrajudicially murdered this king.
Fred Hampton was a fucking legend. There's a reason the US Government was so terrified of him... And it had more to do with giving out free breakfast to black kids, than any kind of political violence.
Well, that, and the fact that he was a Marxist-Leninist organizing the working class and promoting solidarity with AES states internationally. People often "blunt" the real radical that was Fred Hampton, when he should be fully appreciated for just how amazing of a person he was.
I was just mentioning the breakfast program as shorthand for everything that Hampton and the BPP/Rainbow Coalition were doing.
Only on the third paragraph, but goddamn that was brutal...
After we get through speaking, for those people of you who don't think you understood all of the ideology exposed here so far, and the ideologies that I will espouse, we will have a question and answer period. For those people who have their feelings hurt by n*****s talking about guns, we'll have a cry'in after the question and answer period. And for those white people that are here to show some type of overwhelming manifestation of guilt syndromes, and want people to cry out that they love them, after the cry-in, if we have time, we'll allow you all to have a love-in.
I can't find it but Forest Whitaker read the speech at an event and it fucking sent chills down my spine.
Was it for a movie? That sounds awesome.
I saw it on YouTube a while ago. It was a reading performance. I'll look for it once I get home.
The Fred Hampton case is one of the best examples to use when people (Americans in particular) are open to hearing about how bad the US is to even its own people because it shatters any illusions of justice and fairness, that there's some line that the US just won't cross. It's just so flagrant, and the fact that to this day there has never been any justice for Fred Hampton is further proof that this country is irredeemable.
What? Hampton was assassinated.
Hampton advocated using violence in defense of violence. He never advocated assassinations.
I'm not saying Thompson wasn't a killer, but they were very, very different.
He was a threat to the ruling class regardless and although he was non violent and only advocated using the threst of violence in self defense he was still murdered violently by the state, I see his murder as a state sponsored assassination.
Sure. Luigi is alive tho. And it looks like a jury is going to set him free.
Seems a little early to be making claims about what the jury will do
The bastards who killed the Black Panthers (Behind the Bastards - Yt link)
Black Panther Fred Hampton (The Dollop - Spotify link)
Two great podcast episodes that covered Fred Hampton. Really eye opening the lengths our government went to, all to keep black people from improving their own lives. Along with plenty of other episodes from both podcasts detailing other horrendous shit out government did, including shit like bombing strikers for daring to want better conditions.
What's really shocking is how recently so much of that occurred. We like to think it's the distant past, but it's not.
"But nah, you don’t want to get that Africanized, because as soon as you have to dress like somebody from Angola or Mozambique, then after you put on whatever you put on, and it can be anything from rags to something from Saks fifth Avenue, you got to put on some bandoliers and some AR-15’s and some 38’s; you’ve got to put on some Smith and Wessons and some Colt 45’s, because that’s what they’re wearin’ in Mozambique."
Fuck that hits like TuPac reciting Talib, with Nas lending uh huhs, and Common keeping the beat.
I don't disagree, the writing could definitely be better. But i think the general idea and the title have some merit. Fred hampton has become a symbol of power against corrupt authority and if mangione is truly the one culpable for the killing of Thompson then that act should be seen as a symbol for what happens when you manipulate the public for 50+ years, nullify the progress made by prior leftist movements using any and all means possible against your own citizens and remove true leftist policies from the mainstream while amplifying far right ideologies.