Just for clarity NSF postdocs currently make ~60-80k starting salary. A postdoc has about a decade of higher education and experience in research. Many have families to care for and probably haven't finished paying their student loans(unless they were rich or got good scholarships).
Yeah this is from an abridged series called "code ment" YouTuber is purpleeyeswtf
Because they've only talked about camps, they haven't actually started them yet.
It's also one of the largest federal work programs since the civilian conservation Corp. Getting rid of it without a replacement in line =bad for economy and jobs.
Right but the poofy dandelions aren't pollen they're seeds.
Hochul sure ain't gonna drop those and Adam's certainly isn't in the running for governor. How?
Feel more like it's just straight bribery.
"Loyal to Trump above all else"
Gotta launder that money somehow. From Russia to Musk to Saudi and back to Russia. Similar for China. Continue winning the information and propaganda war never have to deal with the sleeping beast that was America ever again.
None of their lifestyles will survive climate change but the jokes on us first.
Make America Geriatric Autocracy
We're never getting AGI from any current or planned LLM and ML frameworks.
These LLMs and ML programs are above human intelligence but only within a limited framework.
I don't think anything besides the grift and destruction of democracy is "well- planned". An EO doesn't allocate funding or pick a contractor.