Gee wouldn't have anything to do with sabotaging his competition so he can corruptly profit? Sounds like someone needs to drain the swamp of this scum.
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He is not even sabotaging his competition. Starship is supposed to be part of the program and despite the spin will not be ready.
So he wants to cancel the program that has real deadlines so he can keep promising he will colonize Mars in the next 5 years, which he has been claiming for some time now.
he HSS been
That's a funny auto correct. Do you talk about high speed steel a lot?
His Ship’s Ship
Nope, no clue why it auto corrected to that, or that I even managed to mistype has.
But if you drain a swamp, scum is all that remains.
He knows SpaceX can't deliver what they promised for the Moon program, so he needs to change the goalposts. Obviously NASA isn't suddenly going to request less of SpaceX, not without demanding back all the funding awarded. So he needs to have the Moon program replaced with a Mars program, where they don't need to deliver anything for the next 10-15 years and can delay time and time again.
Yeap, starship looks cool but is entirely impractical for lunar missions.
Just to get to LEO its fuel is pretty much completely depleted. So to get it fueled up to attempt a trans lunar injection you're going to need an additional 8 launches, which all have to link up in orbit.
Not only is this going to be adding an incredible amount of additional cost, it's going to be much more dangerous.
There are no humans on starship when it is being re tanked in orbit, so no its not more dangerous to humans. SpaceX are experts at in space docking, proven by their dragon capsule that docks perfectly with the space station evey time, and a startship launch will eventually be cheaper than a Falcon 9 launch. Yes I believe spaceX when they say that because they have always proved the nay sayers wrong (flacon 9 landings) and will continue to do so in the future. So you're wrong calling it expensive, all launches to retank the lander will cost less than a NASA SLS launch that will actually take the humans to space.
You sound like a United Launch Alliance shill lol, that's the arguments they tried to use to win the contract over spacex too.
I think most of you hate on SpaceX because of musk, and I agree fuck musk, but spaceX is the most revolutionary space company in our generation and I can't wait to see them continue to prove you all wrong like they always do and keep advancing human space flight capabilities.
There are no humans on starship when it is being re tanked in orbit, so no its not more dangerous to humans.
Unmanned launches can't be dangerous to humans? Even if there aren't humans on the starship, you're still talking about synchronized docking in orbit, which can fail and spew dangerous debris across leo.
SpaceX are experts at in space docking, proven by their dragon capsule that docks perfectly with the space station evey time.
Aww yes, two examples are surely a big enough sample to guarantee safety for the foreseeable future. Surely something that's gone right twice has never failed in the future.....
startship launch will eventually be cheaper than a Falcon 9 launch.
Maybe for individual launches, But for a lunar or mars mission......
think most of you hate on SpaceX because of musk, and I agree fuck musk,
Nah, I think SpaceX has done a lot of brilliant things. I just think musk has a tendency to over hype and over promise whenever he really gets involved in a project.
Aww yes, two examples are surely a big enough sample to guarantee safety for the foreseeable future. Surely something that's gone right twice has never failed in the future.....
SpaceX has docked over 40 times with the ISS with no issues, of course, there's always a chance for something to go wrong, no matter how reliable a system. But you're grasping at straws with this point, they demonstratively know how to dock in space.
Nah, I think SpaceX has done a lot of brilliant things. I just think musk has a tendency to over hype and over promise whenever he really gets involved in a project.
You are absolutely correct, musk always overhypes the shit out of everything and he is always late on his promises. But SpaceX has always delivered and there's no evidence to suggest they won't keep delivering on their promises into the future.
I still stand by my opinion on the price of the launches. You're concern about LEO debris is a non concern for me because like I said SpaceX knows how to dock in space. I guarantee the first few tests will be in very low orbit so that if something goes wrong all the debris will decay quickly and not risk any infrastructure we have in space.
SpaceX is no further behind than any of the other contractors for artemis, everyone who knows anything about space and space policy knows that no contractor will meet the deadline trump set specifically because he wanted to be on the moon before the end of his second term (he thought he was gonna get reelected last time). Its common knowledge in the space community artemis will not be on time, and has already been delayed.
I fucking hate musk but you don't know what you're talking about, the new head of nasa is gonna be Elons freind Jared Isaacman anyway so it doesnt matter if they're late at all.
But you are sorta right on the tail end of your comment, I think musk wants to scrap artemis specifically so a new mission that is almost exclusively done by SpaceX can take its place. Primarily I think he wants SLS to die and starship to replace it.
Also Elon claims SpaceX is going to launch a starship demo to Mars during the next transfer orbit which is in 2026, and I really hope they do because as much as I hate that bitch space exploration is cool AF.
I always love the debate about fantasizing about anyone going to colonize Mars ..... we're having a hard time sustaining life here.
I didn't realize humanity wasn't capable of working on both issues at the same time.
See the problem with that is Elon would have to hire more people, which would hurt his bottom line and require his money bin to fill at a slower rate. That's unacceptable.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ SpaceX has hired a significant number of people at Starbase for the Starship program and are still hiring for said program
Did SpaceX promise anything with the moon? I thought their goal was, and had always been, just Mars?
Spacex is fairly central to the current Artemis moon missions. They are building the lander from the Lunar Gateway (Moon orbiting station) to the surface and back. SLS will take people from Earth to the Lunar Gateway.
Tax the rich and suddenly there will be enough money to go to both.
This isn't necessarily true and making this argument gives people an easy way to refute the idea of raising taxes.
Kropotkin conveyed it best:
It is told of Rothschild that, seeing his fortune threatened by the Revolution of 1848, he hit upon the following stratagem: “I am quite willing to admit,” said he, “that my fortune has been accumulated at the expense of others, but if it were divided to-morrow among the millions of Europe, the share of each would only amount to five shillings. Very well, then, I undertake to render to each his five shillings if he asks me for it.”
Having given due publicity to his promise, our millionaire proceeded as usual to stroll quietly through the streets of Frankfort. Three or four passers-by asked for their five shillings, which he disbursed with a sardonic smile. His stratagem succeeded, and the family of the millionaire is still in possession of its wealth.
We need more systemic change. Granted, a tax policy could be permanent systemic change, but without corresponding political and economic change it's just as likely to be undone immediately.
Such a shame that Musk will tarnish all the amazing achievements of SpaceX engineers... What they achieved is absolutely incredible...
The fact that such clear conflict of interest exists between spacex/NASA and putting musk in the MF whitehouse... I cannot say I'm surprised, anyway.
American voters decided that conflicts of interest don't matter. NASA will be lucky to survive this administration at all .
Straight out of the movie "Don't Look Up". A proper life initiating art imitating life moment.
"Government efficiency" is code for tax cuts for the rich.
It means that any social programs that we benefit from will suffer or disappear altogether.
What a world we live in. Stop having faith in government and start taking matters into our own hands.
Anyone who talks about government inefficiency while ignoring Department of Defence spending is not serious.
Oh. NASA is getting scrapped?
I guess the only nation that will continue with spacecraft innovation will be china
Oh no, you see, if we give public funds to private corps for space, that's better for the public.
Tap for spoiler
The European space agency exists
You think they’re competing at China’s level?
Guy who promised he'd be to the Moon by now try to destroy Moon program to cover up his massive failure.
The Moon seems more strategic than Mars on the short term, and it's easier to get there, so it make perfect sense to get to the moon.
Exploring Mars sounds exciting, but having a permanent Mars colony or city is a waste of resources. Mars is a cold, toxic desert with an extremely thin unbreathable atmosphere. So let's visit and study Mars, but let's not bother trying to live there.
Mars is so underrated, it really needs a hype man. The beaches there are amazing, the climate is great, what else do you need? I think Elmo should lead the expedition there and scope out the best places to live. In fact, let’s call it Project Watney.
Okay let's send him, but with fuel for a one way trip only.
Im so annoyed we don't do more with the moon. we should have machines building structures there and trying out anything we would attempt to do elsewhere to see how well it works.
hello Kind person my name is elon and i am south african prince and have big fortune . i am asking help for please send me tax fee of $5 000 for retrieval of funds . then i receive $5 000 000 fortune and give you $2 000 000 .
elon musk
south afrika pricne
Adrian Dittmann is that you again dagnabit you and your internet scams
of course he does, like every true capitalist he hates competition.